In April 2023, the FDA gave EUA for a new drug to be used for covid 19 patients who were intubated or on ECMO. First off, why is this under EUA when the pandemic emergency was declared over in May? Why would they approve this just a month before? Several other people speculate this is replacing Remdesivir or Veklury. Why are they only giving this monoclonal antibody to the most severely ill? It is being deployed exactly like Remdesivir was……in “severely ill ventilated patients”. At the bottom of the link above is the EUA that was given this spring prior to the expiration of the covid emergency. How do you “sneak one in”? This is how. It is IV dosed, must be started within 48 hours of mechanical ventilation or ECMO. Also, the DRUG IS NOT APPROVED FOR USE, it is only granted EUA. Smells like every other covid treatment that has failed. Is it as deadly as Remdesivir? We don’t know yet.
Here is some data on this new drug:
“Chimeric monoclonal antibody”, “In April 2023, the FDA issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for vilobelimab for the treatment of COVID-19 in hospitalized adults requiring mechanical ventilation or artificial life support. The drug is not yet fully approved for this condition.” It is also listed as investigational, so this drug is nothing more than a clinical trial at best.
We know very little about it, per their own admission:
And the drug to drug interactions? Well there are 16+ pages of drug interactions. All other monoclonals (including biologics for other autoimmune issues), anthrax vaccine, Ebola vaccines, Digoxin, estrogen and estrogen replacements/oral contraceptives and patches, Hep B vaccinations, CMV vaccines, Rhogam, shingles vaccine, and multiple chemotherapy agents. Sounds super safe. Never trialed in a truly sick patient. “Investigational only”.
Add this to your Remdesivir list as “DO NOT USE”. My biggest question though is, why are we giving EUA to a drug for use in ventilator patients and ECMO patients? The most recent “covid” cases aren’t requiring ECMO or ventilators. That is circa 2020-2021. What kind of hell do they plan to unleash this winter????? Something rather nefarious if we already have a “magical EUA drug” to deploy when we intubate someone for “covid”. Eyes open kids.
I am going digging on the company who made this drug. I wanna see where their tentacles spread out to.
The takeaway is always the same ie avoid hospitals because they are more likely to kill you than save you.
EUA has replaced safety testing. Instead of funding a study,Pharma can now earn a profit while injecting uninformed people with an untested serum and collect data. It is just their way of creatively bypassing regulatory red tape so that they can get these life ending formulas on the market...oops