Why are people dying during physical activity OR in their sleep after a covid vaccine?
Is the covid vaccine causing sudden cardiac death?
In this era of post covid vaccine, we have seen a noticeable increase in sudden cardiac death. This is occurring with heavy physical exertion during exercise or playing sports, and it is also oddly occurring during sleep. So sudden cardiac death during two opposite exertion levels on the heart. We will breakdown this article in this discussion
It is suspected that the sudden cardiac death is occurring in an area of the brain stem, due to spike proteins from the vaccine. Namely, the spike protein his acting on viroporins. What are viroporins? Well, they are viral proteins that make cells more permeable, or “open” for the virus and other ions/electrolytes to enter into cells. In this case, the spike protein to enter into a cell. One of the main drivers of cardiac and brain function is potassium. Potassium is a delicate balance in our bodies. Too much or too little are life threatening. So the viroporins make a cell more permeable to allow the virus to enter a cell, but also disrupt the ion balance between the cell and the outside of the cell environment. The cell begins to not only take in viral material, but it dumps its fluid contents, including potassium. When the cells dump too much potassium into our circulatory system, bad bad things can happen. The electrical conductivity in our heart and brain is severely affected.
The potassium causes depolarization of not only the heart but the brain. This rapid depolarization can lead to fatal cardiac rhythms such as ventricular tachycardia and torsades de pointe, and it can also cause an epileptic seizure in the brain, especially in patients who already have a diagnosis of epilepsy. It was also noted that the spike proteins cross the blood/brain barrier, and have been observed in the medulla area of the brain in autopsy. The medulla area of the brain is responsible for our respiratory drive, or the brain telling us to breathe. It is an involuntary action just like our heart beating. The drive for breathing and heart rate are both found in our brain stem.
So piecing this all together. The covid vaccine pumps excessively high amounts of spike protein into our body. The spike protein travels throughout the body, and it can cross the blood/brain barrier and go into our brain. The spike protein is recognized as a virus like matter, and viroporins act on that spike protein to insert the spike protein into our cells. Which in turn, drives potassium ions OUT of the cell, which can cause lethal spikes in potassium, which lead to sudden cardiac death from a fatal heart rhythm. Additionally, due to the spike proteins crossing the blood/brain barrier and being found in our medulla/brain stem area of our brain, which is the command center for heart rate and breathing in the human body, the spike proteins are causing low heart rate and reduced respiratory drive, which also leads to cardiac death. And explains why we see these deaths occurring not just in those exercising, but also in people who went to bed to sleep and never woke up the following morning.