While the CDC admitted fault in their management of covid, they also “quietly” changed their definition of how long the mRNA lasts in your body. Is the world waking up to the BS yet?
Along with the decision to allow people to have the “freedom to determine their own risk”, the CDC also did some editing/fudging to their website.
On July 21st, 2022, if you were to scroll through the CDC website, you would see the section on mRNA facts and the bullet points at the bottom:
They clearly stated up until July 21st that the spike proteins break down the mRNA in vaccine “within a few days” and the spike protein may remain “for a few weeks”.
But lookie here.
Go to that link now. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html
The entire portion pertaining to how long the mRNA and the spike protein last in your body is GONE. Deleted. Poof.
Why did they remove that?!
Because it was not true. I have shared numerous articles on here with all of you that show the long term ramifications of spike protein not leaving the body, and the mRNA traveling throughout the body for much longer periods of time than the CDC recognized. The fact they deleted that lie off the website makes me wonder what is coming down the pipeline that led them to remove that blurb. Definitely smells like 5 day old fish. Stinks.
I wonder how long it will take them to remove the “it does not affect our DNA” part. Because that is not a true statement made by the CDC either. 🧐