When the pediatric journals FINALLY admit a link to heavy metals (such as mercury) and autism
There is a likelihood of a possible relationship between the concentrations of copper, lead, and mercury and autism. The present study systematically reviewed 18 articles conducted from 1982 to 2019, in which 1797 patients (981 cases and 816 controls) aged 2 to 16 years were examined. Average concentrations of copper, mercury and lead in samples of hair, nails, and plasma of the children with autism and a control group in studies included in the meta-analysis. Below is a table of the findings from the studies that were evaluated in this analysis.
The findings include:
Copper: The results of the study indicate that there was no significant relationship between copper concentration and autism (SMD (95% CI): 0.02 (−1.16, 1.20); I2=97.7%; P=0.972)
Mercury: There was a significant relationship between mercury concentration and autism (SMD (95% CI): 1.96 (0.56–3.35); I2=98.6%; P=0.006)
Lead: There is a significant relationship between lead concentration and autism (SMD (95% CI): 2.81 (1.64–3.98); I2=97.8%; P=0.000)
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, there is no significant relationship between copper and lead concentration and the development of autism. There is, nevertheless, a significant relationship between mercury concentration and autism. Thus, the concentration of mercury can be listed as a pathogenic cause (disease-causing) for autism.
This paper is huge. This paper was published in September 2020, when most of us were consumed with covid and not paying attention to the release of this at the time. As always, distract us with something else so we pay no attention to what is going on on the other side of the room. The fact that mercury is indeed considered pathogenic and there is a relationship between mercury and autism supports what Dr. Wakefield said all those years ago before he was trashed in the media and his Lancet paper was retracted. The support for the relationship between autism and metals, namely mercury, is continually supported with research. When you combine this article with the 4 day discussion we had about vaccines earlier in August, it is pretty hard to dispute the dangers of metals in vaccines, and what they have contributed to in the ever increasing rates of autism. Additionally, when we throw in pharmaceuticals such as Tylenol, as discussed earlier, we have created such a dire consequence for kids.
We have to look at the long term game they played here! Creating a population of children with autism creates so many difficulties. First, the demands for specialized education and therapy for children on the spectrum. Those needs are woefully inadequate, underfunded, understaffed, and nearly non-existent outside of major metropolitan areas. Second, we have a significant portion of the population that may never be able to fully self-care and rely on their parents to help them with daily tasks, emotional regulation, and function. SO, what happens as those parents age? And die? Who is going to care for the middle aged autistic child who cannot care for themselves? We do not have adequate skilled nursing facilities for the elderly, much less middle aged individuals who cannot care for themselves. Group homes are difficult to place someone into as well. What are we going to do with a population that cannot care for themselves someday? Who will be their caregivers? Who is going to finance and fund their care? We have not even begun to witness what a tragedy this is going to be in the years and decades ahead.