Remember the CDC website that said that the covid mRNA injection cannot reverse transcribe into a humans DNA genome? As many of us researchers/deep diggers have known since last winter, that is not true. And here is the paper to support that.
The paper is in PDF form that will not let me copy/paste into the post, so I am screen shot and highlighting the portions I find concerning. I encourage you all to read this paper. It is quite damning for the “oh but it doesn’t integrate into your DNA” camp.
Breaking this portion down. Researchers HAVE FOUND SARS RNA REVERSE TRANSCRIBED INTO THE HUMAN DNA. Human chimeric transcripts are where you take the DNA from something and manipulate it into something different, creating a chimera of the original “thing”. Note, this is illegal. You cannot legally chimera something.
The number of patients I have seen over the last year with a primary report of “confusion, brain fog, forgetful, loss of short term memory” has been extensive. As is the new onset diagnoses of “Parkinson’s” which neurology loves to blame on psych meds right now instead of recognizing a potential covid injection cause.
We are already seeing this consequence. Remember all my posts by Ethical Skeptic and the astronomical rise in cancer deaths? Well, this is highly suspicious. If the mRNA is reverse transcribing into our DNA and becoming part of our genome, and doing so it the areas responsible for keeping cancer at bay and protecting us from cancerous cells………..then we may have an answer to the WHY for the sudden cancer death increase. How many other unfortunate souls will be diagnosed with sudden aggressive cancer in the coming days/months/years…….
The BRCA 1&2. I am sure many of you have heard of these two genomic sequences. They are associated with breast/uterine/ovarian cancer in women. Women with family history of reproductive cancers are genetically tested for BRCA 1/2 mutations. Many have preventative hysterectomies and mastectomies to prevent cancer from happening. The research above discusses how the mRNA coding into the DNA in the BRCA 1/2 locations is causing intentional mutations TO THAT AREA of the DNA and guess what happens next……exploding cases of reproductive cancer. Not only that, but I now hypothesize what happens if a woman has a mRNA mutated BRCA 1/2 and does somehow get pregnant. And has a baby girl. Does the baby girl now have the mutated BRCA 1/2 gene as well? Because historically its considered hereditary so did we create a new population of gene modified BRCA 1/2 mutations that can be passed on to the next generation?
Again, I encourage you to read this entire paper. Yes it is science dense. But if you read the message in between the descriptions of the tests they did, you will understand the ramifications of this study. While we always say more studies are needed, this collaborative effort does show that the mRNA is damaging our DNA, integrating into our genomic sequence, and is clearly targeting portions of our DNA responsible for fighting off cancer. Tell me this was not intentional.
Intentional! By the way, have you seen 'The Big Reset Movie' that was released last month? I believe it is the most comprehensive and most important documentary yet on the pandemic. It is phenomenal. A must see:
Well, if other than intentional, it would mean then that the "geniuses" we're supposed to think of as "geniuses" in their white lab coats and their fancy science degrees are, in fact, are anything but...geniuses. They're dangerously stupid.