What other dirty deeds were Pfizer and Moderna up to? A look beyond just the Covid vaccine
I am guessing that the data of the last two days was a little shocking to many people. When I first came across the information, I felt physically ill at what I was reading. I wanted to keep the vaccine portion separate, as we look at what else Pfizer and Moderna have been up to.
First off, interesting documentation in 2021. Why did Pfizer pay the US Treasury $2.8 million dollars? For a fast track review. A quick FDA approval. In the pay to play game of our government and big pharma, money talks. You want something done fast? Pay up. We will make it happen. They forked over big bucks instead of the standard FDA application fee to make that vaccine hit the market quicker. WHY? They didn’t need to! It was already under EUA until 2022, with a high likelihood of extension. Coincidental this FDA approval paperwork was rushed through just 3 months before FDA approval was granted. FDA approval was given 2 weeks before Biden announced a covid vaccine mandate. We rushed an FDA approval with AT BEST 90 days of real time clinical data, which we already know what that showed in terms of adverse events, and 3 short months later after the nearly $3 million dollar payment to the US Treasury to fast track the application, we suddenly have mandates that corporations enforced due to “it is not EUA, its FDA approved now”. Does anyone believe this was not a strategic chain of events? I am confident this all raced through approval for the mandates being the end goal.
Second. We know the side effects of the Pfizer vaccine after reviewing their clinical trial real time data. Some of those side effects are deadly, with life altering consequences at the very least. But they are making billions of dollars on the vaccine. Guess what else they are making? Billions of dollars from TREATING covid vaccine side effects. Blood clots? Oh hey no problem, we can give you a prescription of Eliquis for that. *SOME data has come out with concerns that the covid vaccine is having an impact on our immune system, suppressing our oncogene tumor fighting and suppression system, and there are increasing diagnosis of first time cancer, or recurrence of cancer after a sustained period of remission. Well Pfizer will gladly step up and help with that too! They have 7+ medications under patent for treatment of various cancers. Thrombocytopenia? No problem, here is some Octagam for that!
Chronic joint pain and new autoimmune disease? Hello Xeljanz! Did you get cardiomyopathy or heart failure from your vaccine? We can treat you with Vynamax.
See the trend here? We will make money off of you no matter what! Also important to note, I am linking the webpage for Pfizer for Healthcare providers here. Click on ANY med and look at the drug insert label. Then check out the insert label for the covid vaccine. Notice anything different? https://www.pfizerpro.com/products. There are NO package inserts to read! Every other drug on that site has a drug insert. This has a “data and fact” sheet. That is not a package insert. Ask a pharmacist you know to pull the drug fact sheet out of the box of covid vaccines they have. Unfold that 4 feet of paper. You will find that it is blank. Zero data on it.
I am sure most of you heard this week that Pfizer has requested EUA for yet another FOURTH booster. As I stated in the beginning of this journey, your choice to vaccinate or boost is 100% yours to make. But I would challenge this: would you take a flu shot designed for the 2019 flu season to protect you from the 2021 flu strain? No. Why do we keep injecting the 2019/2020 covid virus vaccine into people when we know the virus is different now? I will do a post in a few days about the genetic tree of the covid virus, and Omicron is not even on the same genetic continent as the original strain was. What makes this 4th booster interesting is that the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, had an interesting interview in the last couple of weeks where he stated a new Omicron vaccine was being developed, and that he was “shocked” that “they” ended up choosing a MRNA vaccine over other types of vaccine options for the Covid vaccine. Uh, what?! If the CEO says that, then comes back a week later and says go get a 4th booster, that is a red flag.
The big bomb here though is the Pfizer website CLEARLY STATES that the covid 19 vaccine is NOT FDA APPROVED. But when you click on the caregiver link, it takes you to Comirnity information. Let me be very clear here: Comirnity is NOT being used in the United States. Period. If you get a Pfizer vaccine, it is not Comirnity and it is NOT FDA approved. Their own data on their website is misleading at best, contradictory, and discounts the whole “but it is FDA approved” argument that we keep hearing for why mandates are ok. I searched for Comirnity in my zip code, and the photo below is the response I got from that search.
Are you aware that Pfizer also filed paperwork with the SEC to de-list themselves as a publicly traded company? Why would they do that? Companies normally do this when their stock value is about to or has become worth nothing. That would remove them from the stock market. I have included a photo of that SEC filing. But I went digging. Here is the link for all the documents in preparation for their 4-22-2022 shareholder meeting. These are pretty interesting and worth the read. https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&filenum=001-03619
Of note is the 3-7-22 listing with the SEC for removal of matured or redeemed or retired securities. What does that translate to? The owners/shareholders of Pfizer got a huge stock dividend payout. Courtesy of the profits from the Covid vaccine over the last year. They cashed out! Changed names of ownership.
In this article by CNBC, it discusses Albert Bourla’s net worth and stock value, his salary and stock bump thanks to the covid vaccine…..as well as his golden parachute https://www-cnbc-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/03/18/pfizer-ceo-albert-bourla-received-24point3-million-in-total-compensation-for-2021.html?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQIKAGwASCAAgM%3D#aoh=16476415120036&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=De%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnbc.com%2F2022%2F03%2F18%2Fpfizer-ceo-albert-bourla-received-24point3-million-in-total-compensation-for-2021.html
Okay so now we move on to Moderna.
I already shared the information on the CEO interview with Fox Business when he was asked to explain the virus gene insertion sequence created by Moderna that was found in the covid vaccine. That was a biggie.
Did you know that the CEO has a “golden parachute” if things go crap south sideways at ol Moderna? If the company is dissolved, sold, or shut down, he walks away with a cool $926 million dollars. The dude is already worth $4 BILLION dollars. Remember, this is a company that NEVER brought a SINGLE product to market PRIOR to the covid vaccine. And, as this article states, he has been with Moderna since 2011, so he has been there for the entirety of this virus creation and vaccine development. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10600721/Moderna-approves-golden-parachute-CEO-worth-926-MILLION-event-hes-replaced.html
Moderna doesn’t plan to stop with just the MRNA covid vaccine. Guess what is next at bat? They are going to use the covid MRNA platform to create a vaccine for HIV! Now, please explain to me, how HIV has been with us for 40 years. Moderna patents show that they were working on this technology since 2016. Why did they not come up with an HIV vaccine in 48 hours like they did a covid vaccine? Why do they find a HIV vaccine now? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10612271/Moderna-begins-clinical-trial-HIV-vaccine-developed-using-mRNA.html
Oh yeah, and they have a MRNA vaccine for RSV they are ready to roll out as well. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10540029/Moderna-begins-phase-trials-RSV-vaccine-based-mRNA-technology-used-COVID-19-jab.html
We will have a long discussion soon about MRNA technology, and the effects it has on the human genome. And why MRNA technology in vaccines is probably not a great idea.