What happened on July 17th to Joe Biden? Why did we have a candidate swap out a few days later?
This is a topic that has bugged me since it happened, as nothing about it made sense. The above article details the timeline very well of the days PRIOR to Joe Biden “stepping down” as the candidate and Kamala Harris becoming the newly minted candidate with nothing more than a letter on social media and an endorsement by Joe Biden. NOTHING about that smelled right, and many will say our country underwent a coup that day.
What we know is that Joe Biden went to Vegas and spoke to the NAACP on July 16th. He stayed at Mandalay Bay. On July 17th he visited a popular Mexican restaurant, chatted with patrons, and was supposed to go to an interview with Univision after the stop at the restaurant. He was an hour late arriving at the restaurant, and never made it to any events after the restaurant.
A few reporters stated that Joe Biden had a medical emergency in Las Vegas. They were thrown under the bus and called liars. Upon return to DC, it was announced that Biden had Covid, and tested positive upon his departure from Vegas. No one saw Joe Biden for several days after he boarded AF1 to return to DC. Some speculated that Joe Biden was gravely ill.
Here is a 3+ minute audio that has been compressed into audio format where the other extraneous information is taken out. I highly suggest you watch this video.
Here is my question: what happened in Vegas? Why were American’s not told about it? Why was it covered up? What happened to “Joe Biden”? How do we have a presidential nominee (Kamala) that not one single person voted for in a primary election? How did they pivot so quickly? Who wrote Joe Biden’s “stepping down” letter? What really happened in Vegas??
American’s deserve answers.
I'm just thankful that the child sniffing, coffin dodging, election thief, has effectively gone, stabbed in the back by his enablers.
Great article with excellent questions. At this point it seems we'll never get the answers unless a whistleblower in the room with Biden on July 17 speaks. And that individual(s) will go to his grave with the information if the Deep State succeeds in stealing another presidential election from Donald J Trump.