The State of Ohio has put this alert memo out:
Other states have called in the national guard (Oklahoma and Arkansas), and Oklahoma will have a “nuclear specialist team” on the ground in Broken Bow, OK the day of the eclipse.
What exactly is expected to happen that day????? The areas putting out alerts are ares with 100% totality during the eclipse.
Maybe don’t look up at it that day? I have visions of the movie Independence Day sending down a beam and mowing us all down.
With TX having a large viewing area and my town is in that boundary we’ve had all kinds of growing hyperbolic warnings for the last few months. They’ve told us to prepare early and fill our gas tanks, have food on hand for two weeks, fill prescriptions and to plan on staying home and off the roads since the town will be full of tourists. Are we planning for the apocalypse or a few hour event?! Now they are saying planes will be impacted and our cell phones may not work. Part of me thinks it is the never let a crisis go crowd, grabbing power wherever and for whatever reason and like Covid, a lot of people are joining the hysteria. No one is talking about anything else. But just in case we plan to be home that weekend. There is nothing worse than living in a world of 2 lane roads with thousands of tourists everywhere.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. This looks like a classic slight of hand distraction technique. I wonder what THEY (whomever that might be in this instance) hope we will ignore while fixating on the SCARY 4 WHOLE MINUTES OF DARKNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most people wouldn't even notice the eclipse if it weren't advertised. The FAA issuing dire warnings and advisories is the best. Because airplanes can't fly in darkness. Ask any aerospace engineer. Oh wait, you can catch a red eye flight pretty much any night you choose. I bet two weeks after the solar eclipse no one will remember it. Probably the next day, if it takes that long. I'm with The Good Doctor. What do they have planned for us?
Are our government officials this stupid or do they think we are?