“We own the science”. How the UN and the WEF have controlled everything you see when you search for information
This is a doozy. We already knew we were being heavily manipulated via the media, and that most of the media organizations are part of the “Trusted News Initiative” to ensure you only see what they want you to. The heads of this snake are the UN and the WEF.
They also admitted to; among other things –
Partnering with Google to censor search results that don’t fit the official narrative and ensure their propaganda is top of the list in relation to things such as ‘Covid-19’ and ‘Climate Change’ in order to shape public opinion.
Partnering with Big Tech Social Media companies to boost propaganda messaging on things such as Covid-19 and Climate Change in order to shape public opinion.
Giving millions to social media influencers to spout their propaganda for them in order to shape public opinion.
“We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do,”
“If you Google ‘climate change,’ you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources.”
“Another really key strategy we had was to deploy influencers… influencers who were really keen, who have huge followings, but really keen to help carry messages that were going to serve their communities, and they were much more trusted than the United Nations”
“This idea that all speech is equal is not true”
“We partnered with Google,” said Fleming, adding, “for example, if you Google ‘climate change,’ you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources. “We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we Googled ‘climate change,’ we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top. “We’re becoming much more proactive. We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do,” she added.
Have a look at THE NUMBER 1 funding source of the WHO budget: the USA! The rest of the list is filthy. Gates foundation, GAVI, the UK, World Bank……..
The next time I see a fact checker tell me “well on Google the Reuters article said this is false” I am jut gonna throw my IPad at them with this link and let them marinate in this article for a bit.
The Truth Owns Science
These psychopaths are delusional & that little statement 'We Own The Science' sounds like an admission of lying
Don't use Google etc,
Spirituality Gives Discernment
Do your Research & ask what's really going on behind all of this, what do they not want you to find out
“If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.” ~ Voltaire
None of this could have been possible without Obama rescinding the Smith-Mundt Act that kept the government from creating state media programs and spreading propaganda. This made America just like it accuses Russia and China of state media. I doubt that Russia Russia Russia by the democrats mouthpieces could have happened if the act was still enforced. Not at this scale anyway.
Do your own search for the act and see how it works. Just don’t use google.