First we had Florida and the surgeon general who came out against the covid shots. Then we had Idaho with a large healthcare system that banned the covid shots from their facilities. And now we have Louisiana.
Louisiana has ordered their health employees to no longer promote the covid, flu, or MPOX shots to their state residents.
Given the statistics shared yesterday of how rapidly the public has started to distrust the vaccine regime, every state should take the stance of no longer promoting any of them, period.
Despite the Florida surgeon general recommending that the vaccines not be given - our Governor (DeSantis) has refused to ban them statewide. He and our attorney general have been sued multiple times to ban the bio weapons - but have refused to even respond. So - it appears that Florida is leaning in the right direction - but the reality is that Governor DeSantis is a Big Pharma shill. Very disheartening and a major disappointment. Dr. Joe Sansone has led the crusade to Ban the Jab here in Florida and nationwide. Kudos to him!
Come On Texas! Abbott, get your shit in gear! Ban the fraudulent “vaccines”, AND Chem Trails too! Like yesterday!