We know covid spreads via aerosolized particles……but does the vaccine shedding do the same thing?
Here is an interesting point to ponder: could you inadvertently be exposed to the covid vaccine without your knowledge? It appears the answer could be yes.
This article discusses humoral immunity to covid via aerosolized transfer. How does that happen? The covid vaccines operate with systemic immunity generated by the vaccines and high levels of antibody (IgG and IgA) have been found within the nasal cavity and saliva of vaccinees. This outcome is found in both humans and primates, and in response to both mRNA and protein-based vaccines. So that means both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, AND the J&J/Astra Zeneca vaccines. Respiratory transmission of viral infection is proof that oral/nasal cavity contents can be communicated through aerosols and/or respiratory droplets. As such, it would stand to reason that vaccine antibody present within the oral/nasal environment may also be aerosolized to some degree.
This hypothesis was tested on children who lived in homes with vaccinated parents, but who were themselves as children not vaccinated. They obtained nasal swabs from children living in households in which parents or family members had varying degrees of SARS-CoV2-specifc immunity, including those unvaccinated, vaccinated and COVID-19+. Initial comparison of nasal swabs acquired from children living in vaccinated households revealed readily detectable SARS-CoV-2-specific IgG (vaccine immunity) especially when compared to the complete deficit of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody detected in the few nasal swabs we obtained from children in non-vaccinated households. We then used the variation in parents’ levels of intranasal IgG as the basis of stratification across all children’s samples. Data from thirty-four adult-child pairs established antibody cut-offs for high vs low parental intranasal antibody levels. Evaluation of samples in this fashion revealed that high intranasal IgG in vaccinated parents was significantly associated (p-value = 0.01) with increased intranasal IgG within a child from the same household.
What does this mean? This means that yes, vaccine recipients shed their vaccine into the air via nasal and oral means. If that is occurring, then it is a reasonable hypothesis that the vaccine is also shed through sweat, breast milk, vaginal secretions, and semen. Any body fluid can secrete the vaccine antibodies. Which means that hypothetically, breastfeeding a baby can transfer the vaccine byproducts to them. As can having sexual relations between a vaccinated and unvaccinated individual.
Gives a whole new meaning to “I did not consent to vaccine exposure but I am exposed to it anyways”.
Lets all hope that a transmitted vaccine is less dangerous than the injected type.
Regarding the breast feeding part, if you look at the table 5 or 7 or the famous Schizer post marketing document, clearly stating they picked up 90% shedding & 13% babies were injured.