I am back to the land of the living!!
This has been an interesting 7 days. Both my husband and I went down with whatever this brand of crud is. Whatever it is, it is easy to spread that is for sure!
Many of you have sent kind messages to get well and feel better, and some have asked what were the symptoms and how long were you “down for the count”. You all are great! Your well wishes were much appreciated!!!! The prayers and healing energy send my way definitely helped! ♥️
Neither my husband nor myself have been sick in over 2.5 years. So for those who asked……here is what it looked like.
I got sick on Sunday the 28th. Woke up with a scratchy throat. By the afternoon, I was achy from the waist down, and had no appetite. I was a little congested but nothing bad. On Monday the 29th, I woke up at 4am shivering to death from a fever. I was on ibuprofen every 4 hours to keep the fever from roaring back. Backache, headache, generally felt like a pile of dog poop. The fever routine continued until the 31st, I woke up and didn’t have a fever. But my body was not regulating temperature well. My hands and feet were cold to the touch, I felt cold then hot and on and on, but no fever that day. By that night my appetite returned. By Thursday the 1st, I woke up and felt good! But the virus had settled into my throat pretty good, and I completely lost my voice. Thursday and Friday, I could barely talk above a whisper. I worked full time from home all week while sick, so by Friday I just slept a ton. Friday I started losing my smell and taste. I can smell some things, but not everything. I can taste some things, but not everything. As of writing this on Saturday night, the taste smell issue hasn’t changed. Saturday morning I woke up and voice is starting to come back. For any of you who see me or talk to me this coming week yes, I sound like I ate a frog with a side of gravel. But I feel fine! I just sound like the second coming of a teenage boy in voice changing puberty.
When I started not feeling good on Sunday the 28th, I started Ivermectin, doubled my Vitamin D, added Pepcid twice daily, and Lithium orotate 1mg for neuro protection. I already take D/C/zinc/C/Quercetin daily, so I upped my D and C while sick. The zinc dose I took while sick was no different than what I have taken daily for the last 3-4 years, so I know that is not why I lost my taste/smell.
Exactly 72 hours after I got sick……my husband got it. He woke up with a scratchy throat on Wednesday, and by that night he had a fever. When I got sick, I threw him on the prevention protocol. He started all the vitamins and Ivermectin, povidone nasal spray, and he still got sick. Like I said….this virus is a nasty one. If it wants you, it is gonna nab you. He had literally the same progression of symptoms I did. Aches, fever, congested, he pretty much slept all day Thursday and Friday. We are now at Saturday and his fever has gone away, the congestion remains. His smell and taste are so far still intact….we will see how that looks on Monday (if he follows the same timeline I did).
As I said last week, we don’t test around here, because there is no point in testing for something that requires comfort support and care with the FLCCC protocol for any virus. No, this wasn’t “just a cold”. I rarely to never run a fever. And I never run a fever with a head cold. I can count on 1 hand the number of fever illnesses I have had since becoming an adult and I have had a dozen or more colds. I don’t run a fever with a cold. What was it? I don’t know. And it doesn’t matter. It reminded me a lot of how you feel when you catch the flu. Three days of fever and achy misery, then another 3-4 days climbing out of it trying to get your energy back. I am 95% back to normal, and the hubs is about 60% there. Give him another 2-3 days and he should be back to normal as well.
Given incubation time and our social habits, I picked this up at work on Thursday the 25th. Got sick on the 28th. Hubs got sick on the 31st. The only place I went on Thursday was work.
I let all of you know this because my usual lines of defense didn’t work this go-round. I am diligent on washing my hands, taking my vitamins daily, using nasal spray while at work, etc. I had slacked on the nasal spray a little over the last month, but I did use it last Thursday because I had 2 patients who were “under the weather”. Early deployment of prevention for my husband didn’t work either, he was just as sick as I was.
Moral of the story? Sometimes your body is just in a time and space where you are going to get sick regardless. My card got pulled this time and it was my turn to deal with it. Overall it was mild as in a fever makes you feel like garbage, but I had zero lung involvement, I just felt crappy. Which we all do when sick. July was a super busy month, we traveled early in the month, we were busier than normal, nights were later and sleep was shorter. I didn’t keep a great routine to rest up when I should have.
As we go into fall and back to school season, make sure you do use your prevention tools. Stay rested and take good care of yourself. And if you get sick and sound like a frog in a blender when you talk…….well, you are in good company with yours truly. 🥳
Back on your feet always a good thing. Hey while we are at it let's take a trip down memory lane. Remember the 14 day incubation period lie they spread about covid? I called them out on that immediately. It was so they could isolate you for a couple of weeks and add to the fear porn. The incubation period for covid turned out to be 3-4 days. Like the Trump assassination attempt, at some point mass incompetence turns to intention. They lie about everything.
Glad you are back Jennifer! ❤️
We have missed you. On the bright side maybe you have immunity now to whatever this new virus is☺️.