This is a trend worth watching. For those that signed up for the Omicron booster injection, which had ZERO HUMAN TESTING and they only tested it on 8 mice before deciding to inject it into human arms…….buckle up.
Pfizer and Moderna tout the omicron injection as coverage for BA 4/5 omicron. But there is just one little problem with that. How many omicron mutations have we seen so far? Many. And guess what is already starting to happen: Omicron 4.6 is gaining speed in infections.
This is the snapshot for week Sept 12th. First, notice that unvaccinated still have lower positivity rates than the 2-3 doses greater than 5 months ago do. This is positivity rates per group and notice that the unvaccinated account for 20% of positive tests while the 2-3 vaccinated account for much higher. Interesting low numbers in the 1x vaccinated and the 2-3 doses less than 5 months ago, because wuhan isn’t circulating, and omicron is not covered with any of these poke pokes, yet omicron has clearly been dominant here since December/January. Second, look at the right side “variant” table. I highlighted the BA 4.6, which is a new variant NOT covered by the newest omicron poke poke. It is the 5th most common variant and increasing each week. The problem here? 4.6 isn’t part of the omicron injection. BA 4.1/5.2 are, but 4.6 is not. Those variants are fizzling out primarily (see the bottom of the graph). SO…….as BA 4.6 gains speed and overtakes 5.2/5.1, the omicron poke will be as obsolete as the wuhan poke is.
Then there is this: 4.6 is on the radar screen of many people. Disclaimer: I think the wastewater thing is ridiculous and not an accurate portrayal of covid cases and how can we verify that certain wastewater wasn’t contaminated (with shedding from the newest omicron booster to hit the market) to make data look however they want it to look……my point of interest on here is the people talking about 4.6 and nothing more than that. “More Penetrating” really equals “it will soon be the dominant variant and the cron poke poke has zero efficacy against it (none of them do against any variant but whatever).
I am going to watch this graph weekly to see what 4.6 does. Will the variant rapidly take over as immune imprinting takes over putting pressure on the variants to mutate more rapidly? Suspect. Meanwhile……friends and colleagues I know have rushed out for the omicron booster over the weekend. 🤦🏼♀️
Did you notice how everything turned into an Omni sub-variant after they announced an Omni vax? Sure is 'lucky'.