This is the sad state of affairs that our children are living in.
This is a product of many things. The pandemic was just the icing on the cake. We have generations of people who have children that they are unable to parent. Lack of attachment, love, stability. Children end up at school where they are fed yet another line of thinking and brain washing by the powers that be in public education. Those who failed them and locked them down to virtual learning during the pandemic. They seek out comfort and solace from social media, peer groups ant school, and they all exhibit the same defiant behaviors. Parents are not mentally equipped to be able to handle the emotional unstable child, and they land in the ER and inpatient hospital units. And they seek comraderie from other unwell peers who lead this type of revolt.
Children. Our most precious asset and gift on the planet. We have failed them.
I’m sure many of these kids end up on psychiatric drugs that add to their behavioral issues. I saw a parent on a video in WA describing how he learned the school put his minor child on an SSRI without his knowledge which he learned about during the pandemic when they sent a prescription home with him. I’ve seen what these drugs do to adults, alter their personality and make them nuts. Along with all the issues you describe and a horrible sugar laden processed food diet fed to kids in schools and institutions and the insanity of social media it is surprising it isn’t even worse.
In my inner -city on one busy street alone, 3 HUGE "Best-Health" mental health facilities all within walking distance...
Seems part of a plan...
No grocery stores built, or mom and pop corner food stores, no bars, fast foods, BUT 3 newly renovated 3 story office buildings specifically for 'mental health'
-well thought out plan.