Here is the link to the movie (you do have to put your name and email in to watch it for free)
This one is powerful. I had a difficult time watching this. This movie touches not only on the vaccine injuries but it devotes most of its time to discussing how hospitals were reimbursed for covid patients, how they inflated false covid positives, for using Remdesivir even when patients/families declined its use, refused to use any treatment such as Ivermectin and HCQ, how they isolated patients from their families, refused to allow family at the bedside, intubated when it wasn’t necessary, and how they murdered people. All in the name of the almighty dollar.
This was difficult to watch because I KNOW the hospital unit I used to work on followed the CDC protocols. When I think of how many people died in that hospital, it makes me so angry. The part that probably hit me the hardest was when a nurse said that most of the healthcare providers who used common sense have left healthcare now, so who remains working IN the hospitals? Those who still blindly follow what the government tells them to do.
Watch this movie. It is worth the 90 minutes.