Vaccine complications: most suffer in silence, some have died, and the media makes sure their stories are not told.
This is an interesting article that came out in January 2022.
The problem with post vaccine complications and illnesses is that WE JUST DO NOT PUBLICLY OR MEDICALLY RECOGNIZE THEM. Why is this?? Ignorance? Denial? Protection of the MSM/TNI narrative that these vaccines are safe and do no harm? Protecting big pharma profits? Continuing the illusion that these vaccines are the savior path out of the pandemic? Social media has done a great job removing posts by people who report vaccine side effects. Slap it with a *misinformation* label. Victims have to post with emoji’s and code to even discuss what happened to them. They call getting the vaccine “going dancing”. If it cannot be discussed publicly, you know the TNI is covering something up. People go to the ER or urgent care and it is NEVER coded as a post vaccine injury. People DIE after a vaccine injury and it is not discussed. Nurses report that the vaccine is NEVER mentioned as the cause, even when it is a healthy 32 year old that just died of a massive stroke with zero physical health issues. But they were vaccinated 5 days ago. It is in the “we do not discuss that” filth of healthcare right now.
What issues are we seeing? High blood pressure. Elevated heart rate. Heart attacks. Clotting dysfunction. Strokes. Bells Palsy. Neurological disorders like demyelination syndrome, tremor, uncontrollable shaking, lack of ability to walk. Severe autoimmune issues like shingles and hives. DEATH. And here’s the deal: healthcare KNOWS this is happening. They are NOT asking people if they had been recently vaccinated. They are not reporting these cases to VAERS, the NIH, Pfizer, or Moderna. But here is the reality: you can ignore it and pretend it isn’t there all you want to, it does NOT change the reality of what is happening. It just adds more people to the complicity of crime. Hiding it does not make it not true. Ignoring it does not make it not happen to other people. It keeps a product on the market that is not truly being monitored for risk of adverse events and death. AND WE KEEP PROMOTING MORE BOOSTERS!!
Are we really going to ignore that more than 100 soccer players have DIED in Europe while playing their professional sport? YOUNG athletes. DEAD. Heart attacks. ALL vaccinated. Over 400 athletes in total have died!
Many will argue “oh well that is in Europe.” Newsflash: they also use Pfizer, Moderna, and Astra Zeneca. They also play more competitive soccer than we do here in the USA. What will happen when it starts happening here? Maybe it already has, and we have not been allowed to see that information? What happened to the 22 year old female soccer player at Stanford that suddenly died 2 weeks ago? Did her mandated vaccine lead to the sudden death of an athlete in peak physical shape? Did any of you watch the Chiefs playoff game when Donald Parham seemed to just “go out” and hit the turf? And the neurological deficits he had on the field? The trembling and arms locked and extended was not simply “just a concussion”. ESPN and mainstream media said it was a concussion. But I would speculate “something” happened prior to him going down, as he was not hit or touched, he seemed to just lose his faculties and hit the ground HARD. He appeared unconscious before he hit the ground, as he did not tuck/roll and protect his head like a conscious person would do. Thankfully, he is ok.
Or what about comedian Heather McDonald who suddenly collapsed on stage during her comedy sketch? She had a long discussion with Dr. Drew on a podcast about this and he verified he had seen a significant increase in post vaccine/post booster events and she verified she was boostered 2 weeks before this event happened. Dr. Drew ( I know, TV personality and I question his medical ethics as well) discussed with her they see a lot of neurological issues in the 30 days after a vaccine or booster. He isn’t wrong.
Or this young father who developed an autoimmune condition post vaccine and died?
Or this medical student, age 23, who is having severe neurological complications from her covid vaccine. *warning, this one is really really hard to watch. She has a severe post vaccine injury. Her life will never be normal again.
Many have said that “until it starts hurting kids, we as a society will keep ignoring how dangerous this vaccine is”. Well, now we have this. MYOCARDITIS IS NOT NORMAL, IT IS NOT COMMON, AND IT IS NOT HARMLESS. 50% of people who develop myocarditis are dead in 10 years. And now pediatricians are putting these kinds of signs in their offices.
Then we have the VAERS data.
I highly recommend going to this site and reading the cases that WERE sent to VAERS. A lot of strange stuff reported post vaccine. Below are the photos of the current VAERS dashboard that show the numbers of death, side effects, etc. The link above is updated weekly with the newest data.
At the end of this post, I am including a very small sample of vaccine reaction posts that people have shared. This captures less than 0.25% of the vaccine side effects that happen. People are having very real problems. World-wide. It is time we recognize this!
Lo and behold……we may be getting to that point. The hidden numbers of covid is finally getting on the radar screen. It may be the leap frog to getting to the bottom of the vaccine injuries as well.
My final statement is this. Do covid vaccine side effects happen to everyone? No. Do they happen way more often than we are told or than are reported? Absolutely Yes. The VAERS data is significantly higher than ANY media has told the public. I have followed VAERS since the vaccines were introduced so the numbers do not surprise me. Those who have never seen the VAERS report might be caught by surprise at how many issues have been reported. Are some people suffering from vaccine injuries and do not even know it yet? Likely. What do I wish for? STOP MANDATING THIS VACCINE. If you want to vaccinate then do so. But no human should ever be told they HAVE to get this vaccine, when we have no clue what their health outcome will be. My other wish is that we pull these off the market and figure out what is going wrong, so we do not harm more people. But I would gladly just settle for the freedom of choice in making the vaccine decision. And can we PLEASE BE HONEST and educate people about the risk? We take an oath to do no harm. That seems to have been forgotten, in corporate healthcare CEO administration/Big Pharma our chase for profits. To truly provide informed consent, and honor the patient bill of rights, we MUST be honest with patients about risk, benefit, and take our oath to do right by the patient as our first priority. For some patients that will mean they chose to get the vaccine. For others, it will be recommending they not get this vaccine.
This is in memory of those we have lost to covid vaccine injury. And the promise that many of us made in healthcare that your deaths and injuries will NOT be in vain, and your voice will be heard, because we will speak up when you cannot.
Thank you for informing, researching and putting the truth out there. I HOPE- everyone gets to the very last photo / comment from the widow with children that no longer have a Dad. - What research? The population that got jabbed is currently and most likely unknowingly participating in the “research”. - but I still feel it’s more like mass murder for profit based on facts I’m reading.
Thank you for this information and boldly speaking out. My son is still in the military and standing for his religious freedom. Many have already been released - some dishonorably and/or required to pay back their training costs. I’ve connected with other military personnel going through the same and what some are experiencing is pure discrimination that is beyond ugly. They have also shared some of the deaths and tragedies of side effects they are seeing. It’s NOT rare. Curious why HIV is now so high? I heard it’s in the vax but brushed off as a rumor. Now Seeing their numbers I’m curious. Thx again for these posts!