Pay close attention to the last graph of new cancer diagnoses in under age 54. It is the bottom right graph. Excess death in that age group from cancer is sitting at a whopping 24%. Photo top left shows that cancer diagnoses keep trucking forward at a steady pace since the introduction of covid vaccines in 2021. Photo3 shows the 20+ BILLION dollars that has been spent in excess to treat the new cancers that have suddenly appeared in our population.
Anyone who says cancer diagnosis are not increased needs to have a long hard look at this data.
Moving on to the Rasmussen poll. Confidence in healthcare and those on television spewing about medical treatments has dropped to all time lows. People are waking up and not trusting the drivel they are being told by the television OR by healthcare providers! (Understandably so).
As a retired doctor I have watched this "pandemic" response roll out with horror and disbelief at the complicity of the entire medical profession (with a few exceptions).
I predict this will be the death of the medical profession and traditional healthcare industry as we know it. They will never earn back the trust of people once the scope of the death, fraud, and corruption is fully revealed.
I remember the days of pandemic of the unvaccinated. Now, if you talk to anybody they all say they are unvaccinated ... too embarrassed to admit they got the "vaccine". The exception are the poor people who were forced to take it and the virtue signalers. The healthcare establishment continues to push the clot shot as the public's trust for them moves toward zero.