We start here:
We are now 3 years into the “pandemic” and excess mortality continues a steady rise. Now, keep in mind, when we launched vaccines in December 2020, we were sitting at 100 excess deaths per 100k people. Here we are, 26 months AFTER the release of covid vaccines, and we are at 400 excess deaths per 100k people and STILL climbing. What is causing the excess deaths? The last “deady variant” was Delta, and that has been gone for 14 months now. Gee, what else could possibly be contributing to the excess mortality we see?
From the same website, we have a secondary perspective at excess mortality: “Pandemic Excess Mortality”
The sudden spike in May 2020. Right when the first lab leak arrived. And we have waivered right at 20-25% excess mortality since. How in the world did the deadliest variants exit stage left and the following 14 months only showed a 5% decline in excess mortality and we are still at 20%??
And yet a third perspective from the same website:
This one is interesting. Because historically, it accounts for flu season and increases in deaths around the November0January time period. Huh, I thought flu shots saved lives? Nevermind, we already discovered they do not reduce mortality so the excess mortality guru’s already plan for more deaths in the winter months. SO you can see the green “expansion” of normal range like clock work each winter dating back to 2019.
What I really want to discuss on this map is when the excess mortality spikes happened during covid. Notice, they did NOT happen in the winter of 2019 or 2020! W had a sudden shift of massive upward trend to 40% in March-May 2020, then it waivered back to baseline until that secondary summer 2020 “wave” hit, then it remained flat until the usual flu season hit……and when we started vaccinating in winter 2020-2021 it climbed BACK to the early pandemic levels. Remember, we had NO FLU that year. Then quite suddenly, 3 months after the initial vaccines were deployed, we were down to 15% excess mortality for several months. UNTIL Delta and the VACCINE MANDATE. Look what happened from late summer 2021-March 2022. Back over 40% mortality. Notice the small bump again in fall 2022 when the omicron booster came out. Remember, Omicron was not deadly. Delta left us in late December 2021. Yet excess mortality is still cruising at 20%. We do not have the full 2022-2023 flu season data on here yet. That will arrive in the next 6 weeks or so.
The take home here is that excess mortality is not going down. Anecdotally, I have not lost anyone I know personally or professionally to “covid illness” since December 2021. Every death in 2022 and into 2023 has been not covid. So why are people still dying at such a high rate? We know why.
This morning I finally read Ed Dowd's book "Cause Unknown." The graphs dispassionately demonstrate the shot has slaughtered many innocent people. The photos of the young victims personalized the tragedy in a visceral way. It's a book that can change the hearts and minds of people, and everyone should read it. I hope we are reaching a time when the perpetrators can be brought to justice. The drug companies and health agencies have given themselves immunity to any liability for their crimes, but the President and other politicians who mandated innocent people to death do have to face reelection. I hope voters let those in charge know they don't appreciate being poisoned.
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