Time for a Walgreens covid test update
Week May 5-12
Positivity rate continues in the 20th percentile
In the ALL AGE test category: A few changes in the positivity data among vaccinated versus not! Namely…….all of you double vaccinated people are starting to trend higher in covid positive tests. Previously, only the triple vaccinated were testing higher. **note, rate does not = total percentage. The rate is change over a determined period of time or group. Walgreens is *assumed* to use a rate of vaccinated versus unvaccinated for the rate of positivity week over week, among just that specific group. As in, they look at positivity rate versus negative tests and determine a positivity rate for each individual group. Wanted to clarify that, as a couple of fantastic readers have asked some questions about that.
Unvaccinated: 20.7% positivity rate
One dose: 26% positivity rate
Two dose: 50% positivity rate (2 doses longer than and less than 5mo ago)
Three dose: 53% positivity rate (3 doses longer than and less than 5mo ago)
Sooooo……….you unvaccinated are still cruising in lower in positivity rate compared to your vaccinated compadres. Among all ages.
Now for my favorite group to watch, the 18-44 group.
Unvaccinated: 20% positivity rate
1 vax: 26.4% positivity rate
2 vax: 47% positivity rate
3 vax: 56% positivity rate
What does this tell us? The same trends continue. Vaccinated individuals are testing positive for covid at higher positivity rates than unvaccinated. The vaccine, despite how many you have had, are having no positive effect on reducing the covid positive rates. The vaccine is not preventing covid from happening.