The hill that the medical industrial complex will die on: vaccines do not cause autism. This article is a doozy. They blame it on better screening, the DSM removing Asperger’s and calling all spectrum disorders autism now, and whoa, all of you having babies at OLDER ages are causing this as well. But nope, no way, definitely NOT the vaccines.
The prevalence of Autism from 2000 to 2020 climbed from 6.7 to 27.6 cases per 1,000 cases. That is NOT just due to changes in the DSM and people delaying having kids until they are “older”. They make sure they close the article by slamming Dr. Wakefield who broke the news that vaccines let to autism. Had to jab (no pun intended) at him yet one more time.
Rinse, repeat, deny. Disgusting.
While I have always been amazed by people who refuse to see patterns (my wife says I'm blind to stuff she sees), Covid denial proved I'm not alone.
Are we seeing autism denial?
Why are we not allowed to question this?
It is obvious the numbers are drastically up, but the studies do not seem to be interdisciplinary.
First rule of the bully: pretend everything is "rare" and you are the only one who has experienced it.
With the rise of the internet and the fall of the media, individuals are posting the data points, connecting the dots and drawing their own conclusions where the "experts" refused to draw.
I grew up trusting experts, only to find out they are merely professional regurgitation machines.
While not holding my breath, I'd love to see the pHarma cartel's control over government, "health"care, and media go down the same toilet their ethics did over a century ago (assuming they ever had any ethics)