Did most of you hear the advice of Ashish Jha, the White House Covid 19 response leader say “God gave us two arms, one for the flu shot and one for the covid shot”?
I have no words for this statement.
The above garbage statement was in response to the newest vaccine propaganda to hit the airwaves. They want the covid shot added to the vaccine schedule and be a yearly event just like getting your flu shot (which you do not need either shot but that is a different conversation). The money making pharma group would love nothing more than to double poke you each fall and rake in the millions of dollars from doing so. They are setting the narrative now. EUA has approved the bivalent omicron/wuhan booster for people this fall, and last fall they encouraged 3rd boosters in September and started the narrative then. “Get your covid booster and your flu shot at the same time”. They are doing THE SAME THING this fall, with the new omicron booster and they will gladly give you the cron booster with your flu shot. I mean, that is why God gave you 2 arms after all. So two years in a row, promoting both vaccines, and setting the narrative already for NEXT fall to expect a yearly covid booster to just keep going into perpetuity with the flu shot. Double jab each fall.
“COVID-19 boosters shots are on track to become as frequent as the annual flu shot, though high-risk people may need more than one dose per year, Biden administration officials said Tuesday.
“For a large majority of Americans, we are moving to a point where a single annual COVID shot should provide a high degree of protection against serious illness all year,” White House COVID-19 response coordinator Ashish Jha said during a briefing.
Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, conveyed a similar message, saying that “in the absence of a dramatically different variant, we likely are moving towards a path with a vaccination cadence similar to that of the annual influenza vaccine.”
ALL of the talking heads sharing the same message.
I made this video (under 10 min) to share in hopes of helping people wake up with some history (nutritional claims, drugs that got pulled from the market, tuskeegee, etc). This really is the rough draft, but I went ahead and put it out there because of the booster situation. It's on youtube, who knows how long it will stay up...check it out and share if you are so inclined....
Remember in the old days when journalists would really cover a subject from an unbiased viewpoint...j/k that was never really a thing. But, The Atlantic, which is now leftwing approved Narrative echo chamber, did publish a really decent article on flu shots many years back. It’s worth a read 👀 . I had it archived from back in my old attempt at blogging on blogspot.