The Wuhan Military Games: what really happened in October 2019?
The Military games were held from October 18-27th, 2019 in Wuhan, China. What are the military games? Well, they are the Olympics for military personnel. Sportsmen from all branches of military across the world compete in these military games just like we send the ice skaters to the Winter Olympics and the sprinters to the summer Olympics. They compete for medals against other countries. It is designed to be a “good faith bridge building” event among the different countries.
So off to Wuhan they went. And, MULTIPLE military personnel got sick while they were in Wuhan. Now remember: this was a full 2 months before “covid” was announced as an unknown respiratory virus found in Wuhan. A Canadian competitor spoke out about the experience that he and several athletes had when they went to Wuhan. They arrived October 15th. They noticed that Wuhan was a ghost town. Roads empty. Buildings closed down. It basically looked like March 30th did here in 2020. NOTHING was happening in a city of multi-million inhabitants. Within a week of arriving in Wuhan, the athletes from all across the globe started getting sick. Like, really sick. Horrible flu-like symptoms. So many of the Canadian athletes were sick that on their flight home, they QUARANTINED a portion of the plane to accommodate the safe travel home for the sick cadets.
Other countries started speaking out. Athletes from France and Germany stated that several on their team fell ill while in Wuhan, and a cyclist from France went for a bicycle ride and also noticed that Wuhan was a “ghost town”. The German volleyball player also reported that her father got sick with her illness when she returned home after the games. They also discussed that there were several signs for hand washing and they had their temperatures taken upon arrival in Wuhan. Hmmm. Covid had not “happened” yet, yet the alleged “epicenter” of the covid virus is essentially shut down, and they have hand washing signs and temperature checks going on?
The US Government decided in 2021 that we needed to “investigate” the military games as a possible superspreader event of covid. Even Harvard put out a paper that suggested “maybe” covid was spreading much earlier in the fall of 2019 than originally reported. Possibly as early as August 2019. Hospital data and browser search data from Wuhan seems to suggest the same thing, as people were searching about symptoms that are the same as covid symptoms
Why is this relevant? Because of the chain of events that unfolded when the Wuhan team came back to the states. A retrospective analysis showed that military bases that housed participants in the Wuhan military games were also high incident zones for covid illness. Even after the Wuhan games. 63 military bases noted the infection of the “Wuhan Games” illness where they had personnel that attended the games stationed. The US team flew private chartered jets to China, and guess what? They ALL FLEW OUT OF SEATTLE. Why is that relevant? Where was the first “identified” case of covid in the United States? Who reported one of the earliest “super spreader spike in covid infections? Yep. Seattle.
Here is an interesting tidbit from the above article: China accused the United States of bringing covid TO WUHAN with them for the military games! Now, if there is one thing I have learned about the good old mainstream media, it is that they will usually tell you the truth in a way that looks like a crock of horse crap. Was China telling the truth?! Did they know that covid was coming to Wuhan? Is that why their entire city was LOCKED DOWN when the world’s military sportsmen arrived in the city?
Here is another fascinating article from 2021 that correlates cities with major covid outbreaks to the number of people FROM that city that travelled to Wuhan in October 2019 and were “possibly” infected with “covid” while there.
So here is my hypotheses. Were the Wuhan games “designed” to spread covid around the globe? Did “someone” intentionally put hundreds of thousands of global military personnel in a city with the sole purpose of making sure they all got covid and they all acted as the vectors to bring covid back to their home country? Most of those cadets got sick in Wuhan and traveled home sick, or fell ill shortly after they got back home. Or…….. did Wuhan know that covid was circulating and “hid” it so that they could still sponsor the Military Games? What did Wuhan know here? Because the fact that the city appeared empty and on lockdown does not pass the sniff test. Were they already spreading covid like wildfire and just hid it? Or, did their city KNOW that a bioweapon was going to be released on the Military Games and they shut their city down to protect their residents from catching this virus while the games were going on?
One more hypothesis I have. I truly do believe covid was here in the United States long before we knew what the word covid was. I personally know of way too many people who had severe flu like symptoms in late October 2019-January 2020. All were flu tested and strep tested, and always came back negative. But they were SICK. Horrible fever, cough, multiple rounds of antibiotics and the crud would not go away. Hung on for 2-4 weeks. My question has always been how did we spread a virus that had an infectivity number, or the r-naught (R0) factor of 1-2 so quickly if it didn’t arrive on American soil prior to January 20th, 2020? R-naught = the number of people you will infect if you get sick with a virus. So, for every person who caught the “Wuhan” strain of covid, they would go on to infect approximately 1-2 people with it. For how rapidly the cases were occurring in places like Seattle and New York City, it did not make plausible sense to see that many cases rise so fast and so many people start to die at a rapid pace unless we had already unleashed the beast months before, thousands were already infected and spreading it PRIOR to any lockdown measures, and we already had wide-spread community saturation of the virus. For comparison here, the r-naught of the omicron “strain” was 7-10. For Delta it was 2-3. So for every person who caught omicron, they could infect 7-10 additional people. THAT version of whatever that virus is spread fast with high infectivity. It spread nearly as quickly as the television had you believe wuhan strain plowed through New York in March, 2020. In reality, the original wuhan strain did not spread or circulate nearly as fast as omicron did. But the mainstream media sold it much differently. That was how we ended up with an entire country locked down in early 2020. Sold the narrative it spread fast on surfaces and on elevator buttons. We now know that was totally false. In my opinion, the original Wuhan strain HAD to have been widely circulating here in the US long before we knew it was. Sometime in the fall of 2019. Global travel helped spread it. Add in holiday travel over Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, college bowl games, etc……THOSE were most likely the primary vectors for wide spread of the lower infectivity strain. It was community wide under the radar as it was our traditional influenza season.
What really happened in Wuhan?…….so many questions.