The upcoming interview about Plaxovid: we have a big problem with pharmacy practice guidelines
This video is a must watch. It is a couple of minutes long, and its the trailer for the longer conversation with Dr. Urso coming out later this month. The dangers of Plaxovid as far as drug to drug interactions have been discussed here in previous posts, this is a more detailed analysis of it. It is not safe for most people to take if they take other medications for chronic health conditions.
But there is a bigger picture at play here too. The corruption of the Pharmacy industry. I have touched on this a few times, but it does bear repeating. It should be no surprise that the pharmaceutical industry corruption would obviously parlay over into the pharmacists and pharmacies that dispense the medications. The problem we have here is pharmacists acting OUT OF SCOPE OF PRACTICE. Every branch of healthcare has licensure and scope of practice they are allowed to do. One heavily regulated area is that pharmacists CANNOT DIAGNOSE A PATIENT and therefore cannot decide to give a prescription only medication to people. It is illegal. It is worthy of a pharmacist losing their license for practicing out of scope of practice. If you are out of your Lisinopril and you go to the pharmacy to pick it up, and you have no refills, the pharmacist has to call your PRESCRIBER to get a NEW PRESCRIPTION to refill the Lisinopril. So why do they not have to do the same thing to dole out Plaxovid? Which is prescription only? They suddenly do not need a prescribers order to give it out? That is illegal. Acting out of scope of practice.
We started down this slippery slope back in 2012-2014 when state laws pertaining to pharmacist practice began to change. This is when we decided that you could go to your local pharmacy to get injections. These range from flu shots to pneumonia shots and even administering long acting injectable antipsychotics to patients. It was done under the name of “easier access to care”. Patients would be more compliant if they did not need a visit with their healthcare provider to get these things done. So rather than having nurses or physicians give injections, we decided to allow pharmacists to do them too. And it ushered in a whole new level of control for pharmacists. At the end of the day, pharmacists are supposed to receive a medical order FROM a provider, fill that order, double check for interactions, educate the patient about any concerns or black box warnings, and that is the end. What are we seeing now? Well, frankly, pharmacists wanna play God. They are now deciding if they don’t want to fill a med, they won’t do it. Remember the Ivermectin debacle? Prescribers who were willing to “buck the system” and try ivermectin and HCQ for patients, only to have a self righteous pharmacist say “nope I refuse to fill that”. Entire chains refusing to let pharmacists fill a LEGAL PRESCRIPTION. Yeah, I am calling you out CVS, Walgreens… two were the worst. I have a pharmacist (at a local Walgreens) who refuse to fill Xanax for a patient after years of filling it with no problem. Low dose prescription, 10 tablets a month. Pharmacist decides they just “don’t wanna”. Uh, yeah, you cannot do that. They have no problem shoving a covid test into the deep nasal passages of a patient, and administering a covid vaccine with no medical history of the patient, which is also administering a test and a prescription only substance, yet there is no medical order to do so!!! We ALLOWED THIS NONSENSE when we decided pharmacists could dole out flu vaccines. When pharmacists decided to play prescriber, decision maker, and override MEDICAL ORDERS and PRESCRIPTIONS from a provider……they ventured down the wrong path and well out of the legal bounds of their licensure. Pharmacists are not prescribers. PERIOD. Allowing them to do a role they are not credentialed for, and are only allowed to do thanks to a flimsy state practice law 8 years ago….with zero education that providers must go through to legally prescribe medications…… this is not good.
A lot of people are angry at healthcare for what has happened the last 2 years. But lemme tell ya, if you are super pissed off at nurses and physicians, you should be equally as pissed off at pharmacists. They have been the final stop when you have a prescriber willing to treat covid as they want to, but the pharmacist won’t fill the medication ordered. What pharmacists have done is criminal at the least, and they have a lot to answer for when the dust settles.