Do you ever wonder how we got to where we are today? To where so many people lap up whatever the media tells them to believe? How did we get to a place of no critical thinking? No ability to discern shit from reality? Well, it all started at least 20 years ago in the place we call “public school”. Now that we know what the 1970’s agenda was to remove parenting and allow the public to raise our children, we can understand why they wanted women to delegate raising their kids to others. If they even had any children.
I was born in the 70’s and attended elementary and middle school in the 80’s. We stood each day for the Pledge of Allegiance. My teachers were all “mom and grandma types” (well, except Miss Wiley, but that is a whole chapter of its own.) I learned history and math, spelling, cursive, my colors and letters. We decorated pumpkins and Christmas trees, we had a gift exchange on the last day before Christmas break (yeah it was not holiday break back then). We didn’t have “teacher development day” every other week. No early dismissal unless it was August and the school had no AC so we were sent home before it got to 100 degrees outside. There were no spring breaks to Florida and Colorado, because we HAD no spring break. You dreaded parent teacher conferences because if the teacher brought up something you had done “bad”, you were gonna hear about it when mom and dad got home. There was no “my baby does nothing wrong” back in those days. If you tried out for a team and were not good enough, you did not make the team. No consolation prizes or participation trophies. You got a job at age 14 so you could afford gas money, a piece of crap car, a pair of Guess jeans or a gallon of hair gel for the permed mile high bangs. You dragged a phone cord to your bedroom off the landline. There was no block scheduling and common core math. In Government class we learned about the branches of government. I graduated in 1995. I truly believe I was one of the last graduating classes before the “mind control revolution” completely took over in public k-12 school. It was already happening, but not at the scale it escalated to in the 2010’s. But it was already happening at the collegiate level. I saw the mind control alive and well when I entered college. You were taught to think like the professor. And if you didn’t, well, you either got in line or you were gonna flunk. I remember in my last year of undergrad, a professor did not like it when I questioned why we had to do a harder assignment as a make-up day for clinical, a make-up day that we did not do by choice or personal fault, but because JHACO was in the hospital one week of that rotation and students were not allowed to be there. So my cohort had to do a make up week the week before finals. She pulled me aside after that class and informed me that she was “planting a seed” and if I did not “get in line with my thinking I was going to have a miserable career in healthcare and I would fail”. (See how they do it? Make you think like the indoctrinated jerks they are and continue the cycle). Well, I have not had a miserable career and I have not failed, so I guess the joke is on her.
The article above discusses how the decay of America has happened. All of the things I mentioned above do not exist any longer. K-12 education is not even recognizable. Teachers want kids medicated for behaviors and ADHD. Parents have kids when they are not mentally prepared to raise kids. We are a pharmaceutical induced society where we take a pill to behave, a pill to concentrate, a pill to forget, a pill to sleep, a pill to get an erection, a pill to end a pregnancy or prevent one. All part of the 1970’s plan. Decay society to a place where everyone hates one another, heavily censored, plant an electronic device in front of everyone’s face and distract them with wings and burgers, football, fantasy football drafts, March Madness, and very other distraction possible. No fault divorces that are easy to get. Churches have been bought out by the New Church Council and have become a liberal agenda cesspool as well. The government is captured, all 3 branches, and we have no laws or ethics or morality left in our country.
Back to the article above. I am dumbfounded by how rapidly a nation that once boasted of its attachment to “liberty” has succumbed to the priorities of totalitarianism. Thought policing by employers, teachers, parents, friends, bosses. Colleagues. Everything we do is surveilled. We have a technological era that allows for distribution of pornography, agenda, thought policing, censorship, erasing history, and the main narrative is the “social unjustness” in this world. Teachers wearing raised fist t-shirts, with pronouns and pride flags on their door, safe space allocations. Teachers who teach little children about their preferred pronouns and proudly brag on TikTok or Facebook about how their 3rd graders “were so happy to hear my pronouns and gender fluidity”. The pledge of allegiance is gone. The first amendment has been trampled to a point that Liberty does not even exist with any importance to people. Mainstream media stokes the fires and encourages this behavior. A CNN anchor said “ This is really about which people in this country are going to control virus-related behavior — the unvaccinated or the vaccinated…. [A]llowing the unvaccinated to control virus policy, that’s unjust and unhealthy.” WHAT?!?!?!
“Congressman Jamie Raskin put it (in conversation with Deborah Birx), the most important thing for the State is to ensure “social cohesion” — even if it takes some official lying to coax the population into lockstep. Hitler could hardly have put it better. The level of totalitarianism has jumped the shark to communism at this point. We have been shamed and feared into silence from the “misinformation/I am reporting you” crowd. The progressive left will report anything they do not like and what is against anything they learned in their spoon fed liberal education. “What is happening involves nothing less than the fundamental reshaping of our body politic, a massive assault on the constitutional system of civil liberties and on the presuppositions undergirding that system.
Add to this the shameful silence of American liberal institutions as the tentacles of a police state wind ever more tightly around us all, and you will understand why my call to the incoming year is: when will I hear more voices raised in resistance? Or, to put it more bluntly: what are you waiting for, America?”
What did the liberal institutions and teachers union do? Along with the rest of the government? They silenced you and shut you down. Where were your voices when the President of the United States defied the Nuremberg Code by ordering 3.5 million federal employees to submit to the injection of untested drugs, while his administration did its level best to ensure that what little information was available about the safety of those drugs would be concealed from the public for as long as possible? Where were we when teachers unions demanded virtual learning, to further “dumb down” the next generation? To fill them with fear and anxiety and forced masks or else they “could kill their teacher or their grandma” by giving them covid. This generation of kids will never be truly “ok” after what the NEA, teachers, school boards, and other institutions have done to them. Where were our voices when those who objected to this embrace of a repurposed Nazi war crime were purged from our government?
Where were our voices when the State shuttered your children’s schools, forced muzzles onto two-year-olds, and terrorized young people to the point that fully a quarter of them contemplated suicide?
When as many as 23 million children were placed by American school systems under computerized surveillance that monitored their every keystroke and tracked their internet contacts, a 1984-ish scenario for which COVID-19-driven school closures served as the pretext? WHO was responsible for that??? Your kids educators, and their union. In concert with the Federal Government. I am reminded of a Facebook interaction in July 2020. A local teacher was soooooo excited to be doing “virtual” school teaching from home because “I can stay home with my kids”. I asked “well if you are home with your kids, how will you be teaching your classroom?” Her reply? “I will send them weekly packets of work to do.”. Fantastic. Lets go ahead and hold half your salary for doing NOTHING for an entire year then besides emailing out a “packet” each week. K-12 is now 3 years behind academically because we allowed the liberal education institution to do this. Colleges? They are a cesspool of idiocracy. Required vaccines, masks, social justice majors, triggered students because someone doesn’t have a mask on properly……..weak minded students who become zero resiliency employees after college. What about the books we allowed in the libraries at schools depicting oral sex, group masturbation, anal sex, etc? Recently, at a school board meeting here locally, a parent tried to read a portion OF THAT BOOK and the school board would not let him! Yet they voted 5-2 to allow that book in the school library! If you cannot say the words at a school board meeting, HOW CAN THAT BOOK be in the school library?! For minors to read?!
“Do you really need any more evidence of the megalomaniac lust for power driving these democracy-haters, as they dismantle the U.S. Constitution piece by piece? There can be no doubt about where State power is drifting — if we do nothing to stop it. Writing as far back as 1935, Albert Jay Nock predicted the future of the accelerating centralization of authority: “What we…shall see is a steady progress in collectivism running off into a military despotism of a severe type. Closer centralization; a steadily growing bureaucracy; State power and faith in State power increasing;…the State absorbing a continually larger proportion of the national income…. “Then at some point in this progress, a collision of State interests…will result in an industrial and financial dislocation too severe for the asthenic social structure to bear; and from this the State will be left to “the rusty death of machinery…”
“As we enter 2023, we don’t need to read deeply into political theory to understand the threat we face. We only have to review the record of the previous three years.
An accurate assessment of that record, it seems to me, will tell us that we are quite possibly on the cusp of the dissolution of the American republic. Maybe it is already too late to resist the authoritarian Zeitgeist.
But I suggest we all ponder the words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn about the failure of the Soviet public to resist the repression that had included his own arrest in the 1940s: “If only we had stood together against the common threat, we could easily have defeated it. So, why didn’t we? We didn’t love freedom enough.”
For us, that “common threat” is much weaker than the one Solzhenitsyn had in mind. We don’t need weapons to fight it; in fact, weapons would only get in the way. What we need are voices — lots of them — raised in protest every time a bureaucrat or a tame Ivy League “expert” or a lying “journalist” or a shyster in sheep’s clothing tries to rob us of one more bit of our human dignity, one more inch of our civil rights.
Then we need to clamor for all we’re worth. While there is still time.”
Do we love freedom enough for that?
This article is a masterpiece Dr Brown! Absolutely unbelievable the damage that has been done.
Thank you Jennifer.
The erosion has descended into a rot in society.
The deliberate attack on individualism is criminal.