The new 6G technology……it wants to use humans as the antenna. 5G has already been shown to be dangerous enough.
We don’t yet know exactly how 6G wireless technology is going to work. But researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst believe using humans as antennas to power 6G may be the most viable way to harvest additional energy that would otherwise get wasted. Scientists have already started investigating Visible Light Communication (VLC), basically a wireless version of fiberoptics, that uses flashes of light to transmit information.
In this study done by Amherst, they investigated the use of “copper bracelets” worn by people to act as an antenna for 6G.
In this article they discuss using the human body as an antenna, by placing copper wire rings and bracelets on fingers and arms to channel energy to power devices such as phones and tablets. They observe that wearing “multiple antennas” can harvest more energy, and recommend wearing antennas on separate limbs to harvest “more energy”. They believe the power from these human antennas can power things such as temperature sensors, glucose sensors, and motion sensors.
So, what would make a human body an even GREATER antenna? Graphene Oxide and Graphene.
“This thesis delivers pioneering developments on the applications of graphene and graphene oxide on electromagnetic ranges such as radio frequency, microwave frequency, THz bands, and 2D based antennas, sensors, and absorbers”.
What ingredient is in covid vaccines? Graphene oxide. We already KNOW that the graphene oxide is capable of traveling out of the deltoid muscle and through the body. Do we eventually get rid of that or is it a permanent part of our body post vaccine? We have no indication that the graphene oxide leaves our bodies post MRNA vaccine.
“Medical procedures may utilize EMFs, and metallic implants may alter or perturb EMFs in the body, which in turn can affect the body both directly (via direct interaction between field and tissue) and indirectly (via an intermediate conducting object). For example, radiofrequency ablation and hyperthermia are both used as medical treatments, and radiofrequency EMFs can indirectly cause harm by unintentionally [I didn’t know that EMFs possessed intention] interfering with active implantable medical devices (see ISO 2012) or altering EMFs due to the presence of conductive implants.”
Nanoparticles are used in cancer treatments. They are injected into the tumour and then electromagnetic radiation is applied so that each nanoparticle burns out the adjacent cancer cells. This is called “thermal ablation therapy”.[iii] So what happens when you fill the whole body with graphene oxide nanoparticles and then expose everyone to inescapable and ubiquitous electromagnetic radiation blanketing the whole planet, including from satellites and High Altitude Platforms (HAPS) such as gliders and drones in the stratosphere?[iv]
This study was interesting in looking at covid death rates in states that already had 5G when “covid” first came out in 2020…….and we know the spike protein in the wuhan “virus” is identical to the spike protein in Moderna vaccines, so it would be an interesting study to see now what deaths look like post vaccine in areas that have 5G. “The current radio frequency guidelines in the U.S. do not protect public health. They are based on a heating effect for short-term exposure. If you live within 400 m of a cell phone base station you have a greater risk of developing cancer and a greater risk of neurohormonal dysregulation and this is based on similar frequencies currently emitted by 5G antennas. Numerous scientific studies document impaired immune function, which could make individuals more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections. Covid-19 had a great impact on the elderly as they often have suboptimal immune function. Sage and Kerst (March 27, 2020) provide a list of more than 20 studies documenting a “disrupted immune function from exposure to low-intensity non-ionizing radiation (radiofrequency radiation).” This disruption occurs at levels well below the FCC guidelines.”
SO…….this is just a surface dive on what the implications already are with 5G, if they plan to launch 6G and use humans as the antenna………..gee, what could POSSIBLY go wrong……..
Our in home technology could become the thing that kills us.
It's bad enough that "they" can see/hear most everything we do via cellphone and computer these days; add in all the "connected" appliances, now even our bodies will emit info.
Ugggh...I don't have any connected items in my house but am amazed how advertising for something we have discussed (but not researched), pops up.
Can we PLEASE make "Atlas Shrugged" and "1984" fiction again? 🙏