In case you wanted to read the House’s version of the dirty laundry on Matt Gaetz, which by the way should be prefaced with he was not charged with any crimes, and they keep repeating the same narrative over and over. He states he was cleared of wrongdoing prior to his resignation from the House. His House seat is still vacant going into the new session in January because despite winning re-election, he has chosen to not go back for his new term. This is highly unprecedented to release a report such as this, especially while Gaetz is now a private citizen after vacating his house seat.
If they are going to release the report on Gaetz, are they going to release the reports on EVERYONE they have investigated?? Seems only fair.
I'm not surprised this was done. Look what the Democrats did to Senator Stevens of Alaska. The Senator was charged with all sorts of improprieties and it was made VERY public right up to the election. The day after the election (Senator Stevens lost) all charges were dropped. The weasel that won that stolen election was the deciding vote for the Affordable Care Act. May all involved in the persecution of Ted Stevens be granted their own private lagoon in the Lake Of Fire. Sorry, I might have a strong feeling or two about this.
Why are they ignoring precedent? Because they are unburdened by what has gone before. Say good-bye to the rule of law. We are going to be ruled according to slogans. Just like the USSR was. Removing the rigid constraints of law will make it easier to kill us in great numbers. On an industrial scale. If you don't believe me, just look at the 20th century record for Communism. They do want us dead and will delight in killing us.
The public is led by the nose by a corrupt media! Until we get rid of the one sided press we can’t get to the truth.
When will we demand they publish the receipts for the lies they tell?
People need to sue for defamation
When false allegations are published against them?