The long term efficacy of the covid vaccine in kids is in the NEGATIVE numbers
I have always cringed at vaccinating kids for covid. These vaccines are not time and trial tested. We literally do not know the effects of what these vaccines will have long term. What does the 2/3/5/10 year safety data look like? We do not know. We do know that in the initial deployment of the Pfizer vaccine in adults, in 42,000 patients, 158.000+ adverse events were reported and 1223 people died. So why are we risking this with kids who, historically, have such mild illness with covid?
Then this article was published. “Efficacy of 2 doses of the BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) against COVID-19 was high in pediatric trials conducted BEFORE the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant emerged. Among ADULTS, estimated vaccine effectiveness (VE) of 2 BNT162b2 doses against symptomatic Omicron infection was reduced compared with prior variants, waned rapidly, and increased with a booster.” They leave out that the booster efficacy was for about 4 weeks and then it rapidly wanted and reduced as well………
The findings in this study are as follows: In a study conducted from December 2021 to February 2022 (3 months) during Omicron, included 121 ,952 tests from sites across the US, estimated vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection:
Kids age 5 to 11 years had 60.1% efficacy for 2 to 4 weeks AFTER their second dose of vaccine…….but when you looked at the SECOND MONTH after the SECOND VACCINE, the efficacy of the vaccine dropped to 28.9% during month 2.
Kids age 12 to 15 years of age had 59.5% 2 to 4 weeks AFTER dose 2 and they only had 16.6% efficacy during month 2 after their second dose.
So two vaccines, and efficacy dropped to 16-28% just 2 months after both vaccines. Anecdotally, I cannot tell you how many kids I saw in December/January/February that were “fully vaccinated” and caught covid. More than didn’t. By month 5, vaccine efficacy was actually in the NEGATIVE range compared to when first vaccinated. In the vaccinated age 12 to 15 group, vaccine protection dropped to zero at the 4 month mark, and then it KEPT DROPPING until protection actually went negative. NEGATIVE. As in, 7 months post vaccine, the vaccinated kids were MORE LIKELY to have a covid infection than unvaccinated kids. The hypothesis of this study is that the vaccines offer a limited short-term (few months) benefit followed by a higher risk of covid infection less than 8 months post double vaccine.
Where I take great concern is this: how many vaccines are we supposed to put into people in the name of covid? 2? 3? 5? 6? If the FIRST two vaccines waned quickly, how fast did the booster wane? This study “showed” 80% efficacy of the booster but DOES note a limitation to the study was that they did NOT have time to look at the data beyond a month after booster. If they were to go back today and look at efficacy, the booster was highly likely to wane as fast as the first 2 vaccines did. So are they going to recommended continuous MRNA technology be injected into kids here? That smells like trouble because, again, WE HAVE NO LONG TERM SAFETY DATA PERIOD, MUCH LESS FOR MULTIPLE VACCINES GOING INTO ANY HUMAN, MUCH LESS A KID!
This has to stop. The safety signals of adverse events related to this vaccine are already high. We cannot keep pumping more and more of this clinical trial serum into kids.