The journal article of all articles that debunks that covid itself causes myocarditis… is the vaccines doing it.
This is a humdinger! This study discusses the incidence of myocarditis post covid vaccination. But it takes it a step further. It debunks the narrative that the actual covid virus itself causes more cases myocarditis and elevated troponin levels than the vaccine.
The important take home from this article is that the narrative was falsely spread that the virus itself was causing cardiac issues, when the study done to hypothesize that was a small sample of HOSPITALIZED patients only, many elderly and with comorbid issues. It did not account for the majority of people that had covid and were never hospitalized. It had a false bias of attributing one small sample to an entire population that were of a completely different demographic.
First pick the headline that will support the narrative.
Then craft a "study" to show the desired data points.
Then unleash a barrage through shills in mass media.
More lies, but of course the independent thinkers that do not watch state sponsored media already knew this.