This thread is a terrifying read. Keep in mind, the LGB community is at “war” with the TQIA+ side of the group. The transgender alphabet soup portion has hijacked the LGB mission and it has become a disaster. Many gay activists have come out against the TQIA+ group and have denounced what they are doing to young children.
This twitter post is from the Gays against Groomers of Illinois. They lay out a 41 post thread about the dangers of CRT, SEL, DEI, and how the whole goal was to brainwash children from the moment they enter into public education. It is a fantastic account from the LGB group fighting hard against the trans movement taking over our country. I highly recommend this read. It is shocking and saddening.
A healthy society promotes heteronormativity via language, education, and role-modeling.
Adults can do what they like biologically and sexually. I support every adult's right to such choices and lifestyles.
But I oppose trans as a militant political operation aimed at undermining women and targeting highly impressionable children and teens. No one cared about transsexuals until these recent trans political and grooming campaigns started.
All rational people oppose biological men competing against women.
All rational people oppose indoctrinating children and teens.
All rational people oppose pushing minors to get dangerous, health-compromising, body-mutilating, irreversible trans operations and drugs.