The CDC launched a self reporting data app for people who had the covid vaccine to report their issues post vaccine. This data has been kept pretty secret until recently. To give this data context, this is patient self reported data. They would download the ICAN app and report the vaccine issue straight to the CDC. Can I say it is 100% accurate and not manipulated by the CDC? No. They are not gonna let anything super negative come out here. But the numbers of people who reported various issues is very high, even if they did dilute out some of the more serious issues that can happen.
Lets dig in!
First off, here is the TOTAL number of people who registered for ICAN. 10 million people. Most signed up when the early vaccine roll out happened with a significant drop off by June 2021. This makes me wonder how the data set below shows that there are 10.1 million users compared to this dataset but again, this is the CDC we are talking about. They like to play with numbers.
This graph reports that 3.3 million people were impacted by a vaccine, and 6.4 million impacts were reported. 1.4 million were from the Pfizer vaccine, and 1.6 million were from Moderna. 1.2 million people could not do their normal activities, 1.3 million people missed school/work, and 0.8 million had to see medical care for their vaccine reaction issue. 1.9 million were Caucasian women reporting issues, and 0.7 million were Caucasian males. 1.5 million reports came from the Eastern time zone, 0.9 million reports came from Central time zone, 0.7 million from Pacific time zone, and 0.3 million from Mountain time zone. I would hypothesize this is due to population densities in these time zones. Mountain time has far less population than the eastern seaboard does.
Data set #3. First, notice when the majority if issues were reported. January-May 2021. Not a coincidence that that is when the vaccines launched. Also notice that there is zero death or cardiac or clots reported in these symptoms. That is because the CDC is not going to call that a vaccine problem. That is where I say the data is a little skeevy, there are numerous fatalities that they just did not attribute to the vaccine. And, if the person was deceased, they were unable to go in and report that to ICAN. There were 71.2 MILLION people that reported an adverse effect to the vaccine.
This data set shows the numbers of check in’s for vaccine events based on days since vaccine. 8.7 million were on vaccine day alone. 62 million were in day 1-6 post vaccine. Another 41 million reported issues from day 7-28 post vaccine. Notice how many people continued to report issues into month 3-6. Also notice that there are not many people who got vaccine 3,4, and 5. These were mostly 2nd vaccine issues reported over the long haul.
And the final dataset. This one separates age 3 and older from younger than age 3.
In the little kiddos under age 3, 65% of them required an urgent care visit, and 9.1% of them required the ER for their adverse event. Roughly 2% were hospitalized. Keep in mind the short period of time the vaccine has been out for under age 3. That has only been a few months!!!!
In people age 3 and older…..48% required a trip to urgent care, 15% went to the ER, and 9.6% had to be hospitalized.
Safe and effective, right?
Absolute insanity, corruption and evil. Thank you.
Yep. If the CDC is supplying the data, "change my mind" is in order otherwise I'm "hard skeptic" until then.