The history of Pfizer’s other pharma fails
I have been leery of the covid vaccine since before it came onto the EUA market. Knowing what I do about drug trials and clinical studies, too many corners were cut for me to be comfortable taking a vaccine for an illness that I had ALREADY had, with natural immunity, and being in a low risk age group with ZERO underlying health conditions. My odds of surviving covid were 99% or better. Remember…..the measuring stick is always MORTALITY. Dying from something. Not merely catching the illness. DYING from it. As the covid vaccine AND the flu vaccine data has shown, neither has anything to do with not catching the virus. It is all about making you less likely to die. I cannot confidently say either vaccine has done much to prevent mortality compared to how it was marketed.
But here is another reason for why I was not going to get vaccinated. I am in healthcare. What vaccine came out first? Pfizer. What vaccine did most healthcare employees get back in 2020-2021? Pfizer. How much do I trust Pfizer overall? ZERO.
And here is why.
Todays post is brought to you by Pfizer. 😂 Just kidding. It’s brought to you by
I have followed Kanekoa for over a year. Super smart cat. He breaks down the history of fraud Pfizer over the last couple of decades. Feel free to read the article in its entirety, I will highlight a few key points here.
1991: the federal government fined Pfizer, a then-record $3.1 million for violating the Clean Water Act at its former plant in Easton, Pennsylvania. Pfizer dumped untreated industrial wastes into the Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority's wastewater treatment plant over a six-year period. Pfizer was responsible for the failure of the Easton sewage treatment facility, and that led to minimally treated and untreated industrial and domestic wastes being dumped in the Delaware River for a number of years.
1992: Pfizer agreed to pay between $165 million and $215 million to settle lawsuits arising from the fracturing of its Bjork-Shiley Convexo-Concave heart valve, which at the time had resulted in nearly 300 deaths, and by 2012 had resulted in 663 deaths. Same product, In 1994, Pfizer also agreed to pay $9.25 million in coming years to monitor patients who received the device at Veterans Administration hospitals or pay for its removal. The deal was criticized by consumer rights activists who urged Government officials to bring criminal charges and lobbied for a steeper civil penalty for the multibillion-dollar company that had covered up safety concerns even as the device was killing patients.
1996: , Pfizer administered an experimental drug during a clinical trial on 200 children in Nigeria but never told the parents that their children were the subjects of an experiment. Eleven of the children died and many others suffered side effects such as brain damage and organ failure. A report by Nigeria’s health ministry concluded, the experiment was "an illegal trial of an unregistered drug," a "clear case of exploitation of the ignorant," and a violation of Nigerian and international law. Pfizer did not obtain consent or inform the patients that they were the subjects of an experiment, not the recipients of an approved drug. (Hmmmmm does this smell like the current covid vaccine? Yes it does).
2002: Pfizer agreed to pay $49 million to settle allegations that the drug company defrauded the federal government and 40 states by charging too much for its cholesterol treatment Lipitor. Lipitor earned Pfizer BILLIONS of dollars yearly.
2004: Pfizer agreed to plead guilty to two felonies and paid $430 million in penalties to settle charges that it fraudulently promoted the drug Neurontin (Gabapentin) for unapproved uses. Pfizer aggressively marketed the epilepsy drug by illicit means for unrelated conditions including bipolar disorder, pain, migraine headaches, and drug and alcohol withdrawal. (It is STILL used off-label for these things just FYI). 2008: Pfizer manipulated studies, delayed the publication of negative studies, spun negative data to place it in a more positive light, and controlled the flow of clinical research data in order to promote it’s epilepsy drug Neurontin (Gabapentin).
2009: Pfizer was fined $2.3 billion, then the largest health care fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the United States. Pfizer pled guilty to misbranding the painkiller Bextra with "the intent to defraud or mislead", promoting the drug to treat acute pain at dosages the FDA had previously deemed dangerously high. The government alleged that Pfizer had paid kickbacks to compliant doctors. ALSO, Pfizer was in trouble for ILLEGALLY promoting 3 other drugs: the antipsychotic Geodon, an antibiotic Zyvox, and the antiepileptic drug Lyrica.
Also in 2009: Pfizer paid $750 million to settle 35,000 claims that its drug, Rezulin, was responsible for 63 deaths and dozens of liver failures.
2010: Oh lookie, Neurontin/Gabapentin is back in the headlines, Pfizer was ordered to pay $142.1 million in damages for violating federal anti-racketeering law by its fraudulent sale and marketing of Neurontin for uses not approved by the FDA. That is a RICO case in California.
2010: Remember ALL OF THE DISCUSSIONS WE HAVE HAD about pharma and kickbacks to physicians? In 2010, the New York Times published an article entitled, “Pfizer Gives Details on Payments to Doctors”. Pfizer admitted that it paid about $20 million to 4,500 doctors and other medical professionals for consulting and speaking over a 6 month time period. Pfizer also paid $15.3 million to 250 academic medical centers and other research groups for clinical trials in the same period. Blue Cross Blue Shield filed a lawsuit against Pfizer accusing the pharmaceutical giant of illegally bribing 5,000 doctors with lavish Caribbean vacations, golf games, massages, and other recreational activities in order to convince doctors to use Bextra for off-label use.
2012: Pfizer had paid $1.2 billion to settle claims by nearly 10,000 women that its hormone replacement therapy drug, Prempro, caused breast cancer. The Prempro settlements come after six years of trials, in which several plaintiffs were awarded tens of millions of dollars, including punitive damages for the drug maker’s actions in withholding information about the risk of breast cancer from Prempro. (Remember remember the Pfizer data withheld in February 2021 with the covid vaccine).
2013: Pfizer agreed to pay $55 million to settle criminal charges of failing to warn patients and doctors about the risks of kidney disease, kidney injury, kidney failure, and acute interstitial nephritis caused by its proton pump inhibitor, Protonix. Also in 2013, Pfizer set aside $288 million to settle claims by 2,700 people that its drug, Chantix, caused suicidal thoughts and severe psychological disorders. (For the record here I hate Chantix. It is horrible for people with underlying mental health diagnoses, exacerbated their mental health symptoms, and rarely succeeded in smoking cessation over the long term). Chantix was taken off the market recently because after FIFTEEN YEARS on the market…….’they discovered’ it can cause cancer. I wonder WHEN they discovered it can cause cancer………
In a December 2021 interview, World Bank President, David Malpass, said that Pfizer will not give mRNA shots to countries where they face legal liabilities for side effects. Gee, I wonder why?!?!? They KNOW this vaccine has problems. The problems are undeniable at this point. They have immunity from liability here in the United States (at least for now), and their profits are in the BILLIONS so far. So of course Albert Bourla is going to tell you to get booster #3,4,5,6………they are going to ride this profit train in countries where they are legally exempt from adverse event prosecution as long as people are lining up at the station to get the next dose of miracle serum. The problem here is that Pfizer is not operating from some moral high road of altruism to help society. This is about profit and the people of the world have every right to question the integrity of Pfizer based upon its criminal history and current actions.
I leave you with this photo. How many former FDA employees work for pharma companies now? Do you REALLY think the government mandating vaccines is because they are here to help you? It is a dirty corrupt billion dollar scam job, and we are the pawns paying the price not only financially, but with our health. This is why I chose to not vaccinate. It is everyone’s decision whether or not to get this vaccine. My knowledge of Pfizer’s history led me to make the choice I did. And I will say it again: Moderna is STILL CRICKETS CHIRPING on any data with their vaccine. That is just as damning as the attempt to hide the data that Pfizer did.