We know that all cause mortality has gone up dramatically since the introduction of the covid vaccine. They released their tables below:
Have a look at 3Q21 and 4Q21. Look at the difference between the COVID as cause of death versus NON COVID. Look at the factors that took place during each quarter when there was a rise above baseline. These were the times when covid vaccines came out, boosters came out, and the covid mandates came out which flooded more people into a 1st 2nd and 3rd booster vaccine and in turn, more deaths occurred.
Again……look at quarter 3 2021. 70% excess mortality in the southeast.
Per the group life aggregate data: look at the yearly claim report incidence. Look at the HUGE spike in fall 2021. Also note the original spike that occurred in early 2021 when vaccines first came out. 2022 is not off to a much better start.
For the people who say “but covid killed a lot of people” (the above tables already dispel this theory), this table also speaks volumes. We had NEGATIVE excess death prior to Q4 2020. What came out Q4 2020…….thats right, the vaccine did. It has been increased every quarter SINCE the vaccine came out.
Here is another fascinating table. At the bottom it shows the monthly death baselines determined by the SOA. Have a look at the increasing deaths each month starting in December 2020.
Here is a table breaking down the industries with the highest claims. Pay attention to the industries that had the highest mortality and the likelihood they were among the covid vaccine mandate industries. (Airlines, healthcare, schools, etc)
This entire report is a wealth of information. I highly recommend a total read through of it. This final graph really shows how many deaths were accidental, covid, and illness. The accident and covid numbers are very small compared to illness. Illness would be the category that a covid vaccine injured person would fall under, most likely due to stroke, heart attack, or cancer.
Something going on with the unknown in the last graph