A year ago I posted about the flu shot data dating back to the 1960’s, and how flu mortality was unchanged despite millions of flu shots going into arms every fall. We are about 6-8 weeks from the “great annual influenza shot kickoff” so it is important to revisit this.
Per JAMA in 2005: “Influenza vaccination coverage among elderly persons (≥65 years) in the United States increased from between 15% and 20% before 1980 to 65% in 2001. Unexpectedly, estimates of influenza-related mortality in this age group also increased during this period.” Wow. So uptake of flu shots was up 45-50% in 2001 compared to 1980 yet mortality from the flu REMAINED THE SAME?!?!
“For people aged 65 to 74 years, excess mortality rates in A(H3N2)-dominated seasons fell between 1968 and the early 1980s but remained approximately constant thereafter. For persons 85 years or older, the mortality rate remained flat throughout. Excess mortality in A(H1N1) and B seasons did not change. All-cause excess mortality for persons 65 years or older never exceeded 10% of all winter deaths.” This is an interesting paragraph that not only admits that despite flu shots, deaths remained constant after 1980, and that excess mortality from the flu NEVER CHANGED despite the flu shot. They even admit that excess death in the elderly was consistently at 10% above baseline even with flu shots in their arms.
This was my favorite though. “Because fewer than 10% of all winter deaths were attributable to influenza in any season, we conclude that observational studies substantially overestimate vaccination benefit.”. Really. I am shocked at this. Note my sarcasm.
Do yourself a favor and please consider skipping the flu shot this winter if your heart so desires. The benefits do not outweigh the risks. I also do not trust what may be in a flu shot these days. One never knows.
Ohhh...this just warms the cockles of my heart. (Note my sarcasm. 😂)
I've never gotten a flu shot. Never will. The last time hubs had the flu? Yeah, right after a flu shot at work that I asked him repeatedly, "You sure you wanna do that?" Gets so sick (a guy who never gets sick) and can barely make it from the bed to the couch and vice versa. Meanwhile, this girl does not "catch" his flu despite his being highly symptomatic. Yeah...
Last October at Dr. John Littell's Doctors' Summit at The Villages, Dr. Littell asked for a show of hands of how many in the audience (that I'd estimate was around 600) had either gotten their flu shot or planned to do so. Not...a...single...hand...went up. Dr. Littell, hinging at the hip in shock exclaimed, "I did not see that coming!"
Neither did I, but was sure glad I did.
“One never knows.” I frame it like this, for trusting souls: Vaccines are made in large vessels, then squirted into teeny bottles. Do you think every can of Campbell’s Minestrone soup has the same number of peas in it? Me neither.