The Genetics of the various Covid Variants
What do we know to be TRUE about viruses? (Cause science ya know). We know viruses cannot survive without a host (human). We know viruses are RNA material not organic DNA beings like humans and bacteria. Random medical factoid: this is why antibiotics do not fix a virus. Bacteria are aerobic or anaerobic beings with DNA, and antibiotics are designed to cell destruct those bacteria. I digress….but that is why when people get pissed at not getting an antibiotic at the urgent care clinic, I silently eyeroll because antibiotics will not fix a viral infection. Because a virus isn’t DNA based. Moving on……😂
We know that viruses mutate to “stay alive”. We know viruses are usually animal specific in terms of pathogenicity, or ability to infect. Such as, a puppy can die of parvovirus, but not a human infant. When a virus mutates to a point that it can attach to another animal species cell, that is called a species jump or a zoonotic cross pathogenicity, it can cross species. There are millions of viruses in our world. Cross jumping species is actually pretty rare, because to do that requires tens of thousands of years/mutations to happen.
This is why I have never believed the story that covid was a natural mutation zoonotic jump from a bat to humans in Wuhan. Much less one particular bat in a wet market. The movie “Contagion” (AHA mainstream media!) did plant a seed in our brains that this could be possible though. The monkey virus that jumped species, that tried to kill the world until a miracle vaccine came out? Evolutionary biology and microbiology teach us that this is statistically anomalous. So then what DID happen here? Hypothesis is that “some labs” were playing around with zoonotic coronaviruses in bats to “study infectivity” “if” a human were to “be able” to catch a bat native coronavirus. And the lab went hari kari and managed to make a bioweapon out of the damn thing. How it left the lab is up to whatever you believe. Or, what lab it actually escaped from is also up to whatever you believe. But there is science to follow on the genetics of SARS COV-2.
I have mentioned him before, but I highly recommend you follow Ethical Skeptic on Twitter. Yes, his data is DENSE! He brings the data to the public and digs deeper than any person I know. For free. He is not getting paid to do this research.
Here are some of his findings:
We have been fed the narrative that covid launched with the Wuhan strain in 2019. Which mutated into Alpha, then into Delta, and now into Omicron. With a few others along the way (beta, gamma, etc). However, when you look at the genetic profile of Wuhan, Alpha, Delta, (abbreviated to W/A/D from here on out) and Omicron, it was found that OMICRON is actually OLDER than the W/A/D strains.
When you go back and look at the genetics of these viruses it was found that Omicron, BA1 &2, date back to sometime in late 2017-early 2018. These are not mutations of W/A/D strains of covid. They are their own separate entity, two years prior to the original outbreak. Sooooo, how did omicron “mutate” from Delta then? It didn’t. It has been around much longer. So then that leads to more questions. Was Omicron always with us and the other variants squashed it? Then it came back? Well, if that is the case, then that blows the CDC/NIH theory that the virus mutates as we adapt to a virus in order to keep that virus alive. If it has been circulating this entire time, wouldn’t W/A/D strains have “squashed it”? Is Omicron even covid?
This photo discusses that the number of mutations on the virus indicate the evolutionary process of the virus. It can only mutate so much in a certain period of time. Notice the number of mutations in these photos. If it would “naturally and evolutionarily” take 6.1 years for the 66 mutations to occur between Alpha and Omicron…….how do we explain the 102 mutations from Delta to Omicron BA1? That mutation allegedly occurred within 6 weeks or so? From discovery in South America to mass infection here in the United States? If the evolutionary tree determined that it takes 6.1 years for 66 mutations between Alpha and Omicron, how are there even more genetic mutations and distance between Omicron and Delta, the most recent strains?
Hypothesis here? If an OLDER strain of a virus suddenly appears AFTER the strains that were MOST recently infectious, you have 1 of 2 things going on. 1, the Omicron virus is not covid, it is a circulating coronavirus that has been making people sick for a few years (at least), and it has nothing to do with covid whatsoever. Like a recurring rhinovirus or adenovirus that comes back through with the common cold symptoms each year. Or 2, each of these coronaviruses have been labeled “covid mutations/variants” but they were not evolutionary mutations, they were lab created versions of covid, that have been released over time as immunity increased to the last variant. As you will see in the photos below, the lab creation theory is pretty firmly taken hold at this point. Because what we have ON our side in science is the long standing data of how a virus mutates. How ANY virus mutates. And frankly, this virus did not play by the evolutionary mutation rules. Think about it this way. When we get a flu virus here each year, does it suddenly mutate into a totally different virus the following winter? No. It is still a Victoria strand, H1N1 strand, etc, with a couple of deletions or insertions that have mutated. It is not a magnitude of 60-80 mutations seasonally. If that were the case, it would no longer be the Victoria strand or the H1N1 strand. It would be a whole new influenza virus.
Is the lab creation of this virus theory starting to ring true a little louder? Yes. It is what several have suspected for a long time. If you take what was shared in this post, and tie it backwards to the Moderna genetic virus sequence they patented that was later FOUND in the covid virus, wouldn’t it make plausible sense that the wuhan virus was not the ONLY covid virus strain manipulated? How many versions DO they have? Where are those stored? Who decides what happens to them? Has each variant been a crafted, calculated and terrifying planned release? Covid does seem to surge at really coincidental times, such as back to school and summer vacation season. Holiday times. Based on the genetic differences of each strain and the time it would take evolution in nature to mutate to that extent, it is not statistically or genetically possible to mutate that rapidly in the real world environment. 95%+ confidence that each virus “mutation” was already genetically manipulated in a lab prior to the original Wuhan strain being released and they have unleashed each variant on a specific time table for maximum shut down of our world. Why was omicron the last to be deployed? I have to wonder if the genetic manipulation done to that one just “wasn’t deadly enough” to be the first to deploy. Knowing what we do now about Omicron, the first on the genetic tree but the LAST to circulate, it was not scary enough to lock the world down. It also would have blown the “stay home to stop the spread” narrative because its so much more infectious that it would have spread like crazy despite staying at home hunkered down. The variants were released in a certain order for a reason. At a specific time for a reason. We need to figure out who is behind all of this because this is treason, this is murder, and this is about as illegal as an act could be.
🤯🤯🤯 Thx for this!
Murder for $$$. Great facts here. Thanks for sharing.