I highly recommend watching the 3 minute clip in the X post above. This is a study done by CNN…..of all people.
2001: 93-94% of the public thought vaccination of kids was important.
2019: 79-84% thought vaccination was important.
2024: 54-69% think vaccination is important.
The message is spreading. Protect the kids. ♥️
And I hear that all older so called vaccines will be MRNA based! They really want to
kill us all off! F****them all to HELL....NEVER EVER COMPLY!!! NEVER!!!
Funny how these idiot, brainwashed CNN reporters just don't get it. As healthy people are dropping dead, clots that look like aliens are being pulled from arteries, turbo cancers are a real thing, neuro disease is through the roof, fertility rates are way down, childhood diseases like Autism are skyrocketing ... these moron leftists have been so programmed by big pharma and big government, that they no longer have any ability to think for themselves. Considering all this, I am shocked that the number of people still supporting vaccines is so high.