We still do not have numbers for the week of October 26th, so this is 3 weeks worth of data to work with…….but it tells the story we need to know going into November 5th.
Total registration attempts: 2,046,778
Registration attempts that didn’t match to a legit person: 394,807 or 19.2% of all people they tried to register. That is nearly 1 in 5 people they tried to register that failed to match as a person eligible to vote.
Registration attempts that were deceased: 3.740 or 0.18% of registration attempts.
Areas of concern:
MISSOURI omg you are swamp. I am embarrassed by my state. Hundreds of thousands of registration attempts, many unmatched, many dead. Missouri is attempting to pass 7 constitutional amendments this election. The biggie: Abortion. It is currently banned in Missouri. I would venture a guess that we have many people registering that do not live in Missouri. We do have a bill banning illegal immigrants from registering to vote, but I would bet that many Kansas and Illinois voters suddenly have a Missouri address to register to vote and flood the ballot box. That said, the early voter turnout for in person voting has been off the charts, and we do require ID to vote…….but Missouri smells horribly suspect.
Second: swing states. North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania. Very high registration numbers. High numbers not matched to a legit voter. Dead people registering. They are running scared in those states and they are attempting to get anyone and everyone they can registered. One caveat about Pennsylvania: Scott Presler has been out registering voters legitimately for weeks. That could attribute to some of Pennsylvania’s numbers. He has been getting the Amish population registered like never before.
We are 3 short days away from one of the MOST pivotal elections of our lifetime. I cannot stress this enough: no matter where you live, you CANNOT SIT THIS ONE OUT. You HAVE to go vote. If you are registered, GO VOTE.
I have to work on Election Day, so I stood in line a week ago for 5 hours to vote in person. It was one of the most interesting days I have had. I met so many people and had such interesting conversations with each of them. And not one single person EVER mentioned who they were voting for or anything political. I talked to a retired nurse, a railroad worker, a retired veteran, a former medical coder/biller. Many elderly people who could not stand that long so we put them up at the front of the line and then had them rejoin us when we got to the front to go vote. People offering their cars to sit in, people getting chairs from their car to help people who could not stand, one woman went to go get drinks and snacks for those who were hungry/had health issues and needed to eat. It was truly a patriotic beautiful day of AMERICANS being AMERICANS. I will never regret the 5 hours I stood in line with my husband. It was a very humbling and heartwarming experience.
I am not telling you HOW to vote, I am telling you TO VOTE. We will never see an election like this again. There are two completely polarizing opposite candidates here, and if you sit this one out, you may not like the outcome. My grandfather was an election poll worker for many decades. He never missed an election aside from absentee voting while in WWII. He instilled in me the patriotism that I have to this day.
For the love of country, pride in our country, and your constitutional right to exercise your right to vote…….go cast your ballot! 🇺🇸
"Missouri omg you are a swamp!" Smells rotten for other reasons, although there are many MO great substackers (who don't stink!!)...
I was accessing CDC current website 'claims' and checking the data prompted by articles of 'edits/wipes/Obfuscation."
This chart (moving .gif format view) hit me:
How did MO become the first and central hub in wastewater treatment biological tracking?
Is state water highly regulated?
Is MO a disease hot bed?
Is population movement displacement easily trackable?
Is our precious Gateway to the West under globalist siege?
♥️, BOred
here in Missouri, with the in person ID requirement, illegitimacy issues typically surface because of a) the use of voting machines and b) mail in ballots.
get rid of the machines, and hand verify all ballots like in the 1990s and earlier, for verifiable harder-to-cheat elections