Let me be the first to say that this decision was not an easy one. But is is one that I made in 2021 when they decided they required a covid vaccine for someone to receive an organ transplant. I was not ok with that at all. As I have mentioned numerous times, I worked in transplant for many years. I watched the gift of life safe many lives. I mourned with families who were losing their loved one and decided to donate their organs so that another may live. At the end of the day, it came down to one simple fact: they would gladly take my organs from me to save another, but unless I bent my knee and agreed to multiple covid vaccines, I would not be able to receive a donated organ if I needed one.
In 2021, I went online through the DMV to remove my organ donor status. I thought that was a done deal. I updated my will and my DPOA/medical decision making paperwork to reflect that I was no longer an organ donor so any hospital would see my final wishes if I was incapacitated to verbalize that, and my family would not be left with the moral dilemma of what to do. Because all of my loved ones know how vehemently I supported organ donation.
Today, I had to renew my drivers license. I informed the DMV employee that I wanted the organ donor tag taken off my license and that I had updated it via online with the DMV a couple of years ago. She was happy to oblige and remove the organ donor sticker from my new license, but informed me that unless you go directly to the Donate Life website, you are still enrolled as a donor, and your decision to not donate may not be honored. Taking your name off the DMV donor list alone will not suffice as “not an organ donor”.
As of today, the final hoop has been jumped. Adding this to my DPOA medical directive file so there is zero confusion in the event I have a major event that requires my husband and family to make end of life decisions. I wanted all of you to be aware as well, because if you have chosen to no longer be an organ donor due to the decisions made by the government and healthcare the last few years, make sure you get all the steps done, or your wishes may not be honored.
I am hopeful that these mandate requirements end and I would gladly go back on the donor list. But until then, my moral beliefs will not be compromised and I remain off the list.
Wow, I didn’t know about this. I wonder what the rules are here in AZ. I’ll have to research that.
100% with you on the decision!