Coming soon to pharmacies near you…….the newest covid vaccine. The FDA approved it with ZERO clinical trials, the covid booster for use in age 12 and up, and for “emergency use” in age 6 and up.
“The data so far suggest that the new COVID vaccines should be really quite effective against even the new emerging variants that we have seen come up in the last weeks," Dr. Ashish Jha, the dean of the Brown School of Public Health who served as the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator. "So I'm actually quite optimistic this new vaccine is going to be protective."
What data?!?!? You didn’t even clinical trial the damn shot!! What in the hell do they actually know about it?! Nothing. Absolutely NOTHING.
But oh it gets even better.
The shots would be given as a single dose for most people 5 years of age and older, regardless of prior COVID-19 vaccination history. Children younger than 5 may be eligible for multiple doses of this season's vaccine if they had not previously finished a three-dose series with earlier COVID-19 vaccines. Moderna and Pfizer say they have produced ample supplies of their vaccines.
There is potential here for kids under age 5 to get MULTIPLE doses if they did not complete the previous 3 shot vaccine series of the old covid shots. But adults only get ONE shot, regardless of previous covid shot status. What in the actual hell.
Good ol Dr. Jha, who once told us “God gave you two arms so you can get the flu shot in one arm and the covid shot in the other” offered this piece of advice:
"For younger, healthy people, I say: Look, getting the vaccine will reduce your risk of, you know, just being out of school, being out of work for a while. It reduces how much you transmit it. There are a lot of good reasons to get your annual COVID shot," Jha says.
They keep on harping on the same talking points that have been proven to be total crap.
Time to pull out my “don’t shed on me” t-shirt.
Brutal. The corruption has no bounds. As the rest of the world says no, our corrupt government says yes, with absolutely zero data. What 5 year old is at any risk whatsoever? Answer: none of them. Vaccine shedding is a real thing. There are thousands of cases of people with the Spike who swear they never got vaccinated ... but their partner did. Newest STD, brought to you by Pfizer.
“God gave you two arms so you can get the flu shot in one arm and the covid shot in the other”
I would like to see the data that shows how safe it is to give 2 different types of vaccines at the same time. Yeah I know that I shouldn’t hold my breath waiting for it.