The fate of the Missouri Amendment 3 abortion bill going on the November ballot will be decided today
In a last minute attempt to “sneak one in”, Amendment 3 was put on the docket in August for Missourians to vote on in the November general election. After the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the previous Missouri abortion ban went into effect. Elective abortions are no longer performed in Missouri. The coalition of pro choice advocates want to change the Missouri law to one that allows for abortion “up to viability” and “after viability if the mother’s life is in danger”. They also want to remove any legal consequences against a medical provider if a woman dies during an abortion procedure.
The Missouri court struck down Amendment 3 being added to the ballot on Friday September 6th, citing that people who signed the amendment petition did not know that other laws would be repealed (no malpractice claim against an abortion provider if the woman died during the abortion), and claimed that lack of clarity over what they were signing made the bill unable to go on the ballot. BUT. The judge gave the coalition until today to make some amendments to the ballot language and they have until today to get that amendment 3 approved for the ballot. September 10th is the final day for an amendment to be approved for the ballot in November.
Here is the sneaky shady part. You wanna know where they were collecting signatures for this amendment 3? AT VOTER POLLING LOCATIONS. How do I know this? I was approached when I was voting in April 2024 for our local school board election. My husband and I walked out from casting our ballot and a man came walking up to us asking if we were in favor of women having rights to their reproductive health decisions and allowing abortion in the state of Missouri. I said no thank you I am pro-life. He had a clipboard, pen, and was gathering signatures of voters as they exited a polling location. Did they run down a list of laws that would be repealed if I signed that petition? NO. How is it even legal to gather signatures at a voter polling location? How many polling locations did they congregate at back in April 2024????
Waiting to see what the court decides to do……we have reached the midnight hour for the decision.
These are democrats and the laws are different for them. In fact, they don't exist at all. The word is "reproductive health". Anything to avoid the ugly truth of exactly what an abortion is; the taking of a defenseless baby's life. So many are so obsessed with that. Why? Why is that so important? Once that babies heart starts beating, they become a human, like you and me.
A baby's heart starts beating at age 18, well before the first period is missed. Hat's off to Missouri for fighting back to protect life (and the sale of fetal body organs).