With the upcoming holiday weekend, I recommend carving out 90 minutes to watch this. We watched it a few days ago and it is very well done. They roll the police cam footage that the news failed to show. They discuss the autopsy results that show it was not homicide, but they were suppressed. They discuss the massive amount of testimony that the corrupt judge refused to be admitted into court. They also show the promotions that those at the helm received after propagating this entire circus. Several little moments in this film where you go “what the hell”. Interesting fact: Chauvin didn’t arrest Floyd. The African American officer did. That was withheld as well. Chauvin showed up on scene later in the altercation as 2 of the 3 officers on scene were brand new to the force, on their 3rd and 4th shifts. Chauvin, with 20 years experience, was there to assist.
Hearing how Precinct 3 fell was heartbreaking. Please watch this. You won’t regret it.
It was a criminal conspiracy with a Psyop designed for the international audience. There is an enemy within. Our people are being sacrificed for their agendas. It is time to rally.
I am really scared of our government right now. We must get the Dems out of office next year.