If this doesn’t trigger 2020 flashbacks I don’t know what will.
The mysterious children’s pneumonia continues to make headlines. They are now calling it “white lung disease” which is most inaccurate, as white lung is associated with asbestos exposure. But let’s ramp up the scare tactics with a scary disease name.
By Friday, December 1st, both Ohio and Massachusetts were declaring “outbreak” status of the “white lung” pneumonia among children. “Go gEt YoUr fLu ShOt” they say. It should be noted that Warren County, Ohio is a mere 70 miles downwind from the train derailment that spewed toxic gases into the air last winter, and it also happens to be the county where these “white lung booger” cases are the highest. Also point to note, they have had an increase in cases since AUGUST 2023, which means it was in Ohio long before this fear spreading “it came from ChInA” propaganda began. Which leads to the next point of concern:
Disclose TV released this on December 1st
Why are we discussing closing down travel when the “white lung” has been in the US since at least August? Notice the veiled threat of “preventing lockdowns and mandates” at the end of this news release. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS AGAIN!
It was also announced on December 1st that the pneumonia is spreading through Denmark and the UK:
Are we going to stop travel from Denmark and the UK as well? Or is it just China?
The final point to notice today, is good ol Pfizer’s side effects of their arm dart. Guess what is listed? How many of these pneumonia cases are vaccinated? Do they have an immune system left to fight off any type of virus or bacteria?
Meanwhile at Pfizer headquarters……
SEERS 2025 has become “election 2024 white lung”. Buckle up.
I read something yesterday where the author hypothesized the increased bronchial illness ( still not sure the data even supports this ) in children is a result of the campaign to provide kids with the nasal flu vax late summer and early fall.
Looks like Wallenski or Mandi Cohen on the phone to John Kirby.