My husband found this gem…..there are some notable names who advocated for the passage of this bill.
We hear about the 1986 vaccine compensation bill, but here is a glimpse of what The NY Times article had to say about it almost 40 years ago.
Needless to say, reading this in present day, we realize what a load of horse crap the bill actually was. I love the blurb about support by pharma and physicians. Gross. The bill was supposed to guarantee mental health treatment and care for homeless as well, but we know that has not lived up to expectation either.
People like to give President Reagan a hard time because everything he touched did not turn to conservative gold. Considering the Congress he had to deal with he did amazing work. Remember Tip O' Neil? That drunken Communist was about as evil as they come. He was only surpassed by Daniel Moynihan. The Dear Comandante letters were treasonous. This is NOT hyperbole. Senator Moynihan actually promised to aid in defeating US forces in the field. I paid special attention to this because I WAS a member of the forces that the distinguished Senator from New York promised to defeat on the battlefield. Daniel Moynihan should have swung from a rope. These guys were in charge of the Congress. It is a testament to Reagan's political acumen that he achieved the things he did. Oh yeah, Democrats, we won the Cold War in spite of your dogged interference. I will stop ranting now. At least on this topic. Today...
What is ironic is I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “Reagan closed all the mental institutions and caused all the homelessness” when in fact he actually funded the states to handle that per this article. The left literally inverts and lies about everything. But both sides get together and do despicable things like this way too often since they have the same donors. Where did that mental health money go?! We’ve been fleeced for a long time. Also this article didn’t seem to mention the regular reporting required. Aaron Siri did a FOIA request for all the reporting they were supposed to be doing and he got back nothing. And of course no one is held accountable for not following the law they created. Sadly Reagan went against his instincts and was pushed into signing this horrific law.