Out with the old and in with the new??? Or, stop the insanity and start doing what we always did when we were sick. According to the CDC, you no longer need to stay home for 5 days if you have covid. As long as you are fever free, you can continue doing your normal activities when you have covid I mean the cold like symptoms that they are calling covid now. This is really going to tork off the people who enjoyed using covid as a reason to stay home for 5 days. That policy was abused more times than I can count.
We are officially back to what it was prior to 2020: if you are sick with a fever/puking/diarrhea, stay home until you are symptom free for 24 hours. Then you can return to normal daily life. In other words, do you and what you gotta do for you. Because let’s be real, people didn’t stay home when they were sick prior to covid, and they aren’t post-covid either. On the 4th anniversary of “two weeks to stop the spread and save grandma”, we are now back to roam around the world as you see fit. I guess the covid vax cards can get shoved in the junk drawer and maybe the testing obsessed can remove the covid rapid tests off of their Amazon auto ship now. NEVER FORGET what they did to all of us 4 years ago. Ridiculous.
"This was a test, it it only a test"...
I MAY have finally gotten the latest version... not sure don't care. I didn't feel good, with after for 2 days. Really tired (but had just done a long distance short time trip). Took decongestants, ivermectin (just in case) and felt better on the third day... some if it lingered but I was up and moving. It actually felt more like a sinus infection. Either way, it's gone... like most cold/flu like things.
So glad the CDC has now decided I can do all the things I continued to do since 2020. I never paid them any attention after I read this Substack and listened to MANY other doctors. 🙂