The August data is in!
Total registration attempts: 1,462,229
Registration attempts that were NO MATCH: 254,095 (17% of registration attempts)
Registration attempts where the person was dead: 7,900
Interesting findings: The swing states. Arizona and Pennsylvania are racking up massive voter attempts. Missouri is off the charts with registrations. Seriously, I don’t know how this can continue every week because the population of the state is not growing by tens of thousands of new voter registrations each week. Missouri also takes the cake in deceased people attempting to register to vote. Maryland has a few thousand people attempting to register and maybe 400 of them get cleared as matched and not dead. Georgia has half of their attempts come back as no match. Shenanigans are still being attempted/happening. We aren’t to 2020 levels yet, but I anticipate in September and October the numbers *should* start to get pretty crazy. We are nearing the point where registration deadlines start coming into play, so the final push will happen over the next 4-6 weeks. Anxious to see September numbers!
This is a significant aspect of election fraud that I haven't seen reported anywhere else. An important contribution disclosing methods behind the ongoing process of stealing an election.
I hope those on Team Trump are aware of this