As we enter cold and flu season, here are some great tips to stay healthy!
Dr. Simon has some great information here. His tips for staying healthy?
DO NOT wear a mask. Eat red meat. Limit kale intake. Use fewer cosmetics (they are all chemicals). Avoid aluminum deodorants as they are neurotoxic. Avoid snacking, as they are often high sugar low nutritionally dense foods. Eat 2 healthy meals per day, and for intermittent fasting delay breakfast. Avoid overuse of disinfectants, as they are also full of chemicals that can negatively impact your body. Exercise daily. Disconnect from the internet and social media at regular intervals. NONE of us need to be connected 24/7. Get outside and get sunshine. Have a social life and be with people who add joy, purpose, laughter, and happiness to your life.
Well advised words of wisdom to live by. I have a few more to add to that.
When you go outside to get sunshine, spend 30 minutes with no sunscreen on. Sunscreen blocks the bodies ability to synthesize much needed Vitamin D. As we enter cold and flu season, stay home if you are ill. And keep your kids home if they are ill. I am not talking about covid here, I am talking about all the crud that rolls around all winter. If you or your kids are running a fever, fatigued and malaise, vomiting, diarrhea…..STAY HOME. Because that is a lesson people have NOT LEARNED despite the hell on earth we endured during covid lockdowns. I have had patients in my office with bronchitis, pneumonia, a mom who brought her vomiting child to her appointment……I just silently say to myself whyyyyyyy are you going out when sick?
Don’t pick your nose, rub your eyes, or eat without washing your hands first.
I am a big fan of oro/nasal hygiene. Povidone iodine nasal spray 3x per day act as a virucidal and bacteriocidal. Gargle with hydrogen peroxide 2x per day when you brush your teeth. What benefit is this? Well, science! How do most viruses enter our body? Through our nose and mouth. If you practice good oro/nasal hygiene, you can circumvent whatever virus or bacteria you breathed in and could eliminate it before it replicates and makes you sick. I have adopted this since the winter of 2021. I can testify to the povidone iodine. When my husband had covid in our little shoebox hotel room, I faithfully took Ivermectin each day, and I povidone iodine gargled/nasal washed 4x per day. I never got sick. Then I got lax about it and 4 weeks later I got covid. Now, I gargle with peroxide 2x daily and use the povidone spray in the morning, at noon, and when I leave my office for the day. Prevention from catching the winter cooties.
Keep your immune system in prime condition. Supplement your Vitamin D, Vitamin C, zinc, and take Quercetin daily. These are all super immune boosting vitamins that help you fend off illness, and also help your body fight off an illness you have caught. I cannot recommend chiropractic care enough as well, as adjustments help boost your immune system as well.
Get plenty of sleep. If you are not sleeping well, work on your sleep hygiene. Turn off screens, keep a consistent sleep schedule even on your days off, limit your alcohol consumption, and do NOT be sedentary. If you stay active, your body will be ready to sleep at night.
Reduce your stress. Boundaries with people who suck your energy and are toxic to your life. Job making you ill? Transfer to a new department. Look at a different job option. Issues with your spouse? Find a therapist to talk to. Mind/body/spirit balance leads to a healthier life. Emotional stress and turmoil cause inflammation, raise your cortisol, and decrease your immune system. Don’t let daily drama make you sick.
These are all things that every healthcare provider should have told all of you all along. But that doesn’t make them money. You sick is what makes them money. I used to share this on facebook each fall, but I am no longer on social media, so you all get the friendly PSA this year on here instead.
Here is to a healthy winter!
Steve Kirsch had the Xlear guy (owner?) on his show and it was super interesting...I guess they used Xlear in the placebo arm of some of the covid trials and it did better than the treatment arm. It’s been around for a while and marketed for allergies and preventing bacterial issues, but appears to have efficacy in inhibiting viral infections. Of course you know the story from there....they had a hell of a time moving forward-couldn’t get funding to study such a cheap, non-profitable therapy...blah, blah, blah.
I think maybe University of Tennessee finally did one and it turns out both xylitol and grapefruit seed oil are effective on their own against viral replication. I think (and I only listened to this interview once, so don’t quote me) he said they used grapefruit seed oil as a preservative, and were very excited to learn how effective it is lol. Anyway...I have bottles of it stashed everywhere now and have been thoroughly impressed. They have one that has a few more ingredients (oregano oil is the one I remember) to be used if you are ill...I gave it to my son when he had a scratchy throat and he cleared up within the day. I actually made all the kids use it when we went to see my VAXXTREME family that have all been struggling with recurring H-Pflu infections that shut up, have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE VACCINE (cough, sniff, sniff, cough, cough, cough).
None of us got it.
None of the vaxxtremists found my H-Pflu spelling humorous. Maybe you’ll have a chuckle 😏.
Thank you...this is a great shareable. Are you familiar with Xlear nose spray? I relatively recently discovered this nasal spray and have been thoroughly impressed:
You can add a few drops of povidone iodine for added protection, however I’ve just been using as it is and it’s been really effective. I usually struggle with fall allergies in Atlanta, but have been completely fine since I started using this spray.
Another hack I’ve found to be very effective- we’ve been nebulizing hydrogen peroxide for over a year now. 30-60sec at the end of the day especially if we have a client that is obviously not 100%, or if we’ve had a known covid exposure. I keep a handheld nebulizer at my desk and one at home.
We had covid in august of 2020 (only symptoms were loss of taste and smell), but have been healthy ever since.