Superantigens attached to the covid vaccine spike protein
Dr. Jessica Rose is a pioneer in covid research. She is fantastic and amazing at the data and research she has uncovered.
We discussed in a previous post about some of the nasty manipulations that have been done to the spike protein in the covid vaccines, including HIV protein insertions. There was a fantastic paper written about the dangers of the virus spike protein versus the vaccine spike protein. Now, full disclosure, we know that Moderna used the same spike in the vaccine as they did the virus. Possibly tinkered with the vaccine version a bit.
So what OTHER manipulations were done? Well, superantigen insertions were put into the vaccine spike proteins. What is a superantigen? It is something that can make you very sick. Superantigens cause a massive T-cell activation, they can lead to cytokine storm, sepsis, and all kinds of nasty stuff. You are really sick when you have consequences from superantigen activation. Examples of a superantigen are toxic shock syndrome, staph infections, strep infections, multi organ system dysfunction, sepsis, and E-coli, to name a few.
So back to Jessica’s research. Her research came from this paper
The concerns raised in this paper were:
The authors rightly point out in the conclusion that transparency and quality control are necessary aspects of any biological roll out into humans. They penned an extremely well-researched and articulated paper based on the potential devastating effects of codon optimization of the spike protein currently being injected into everyone. Second, there is a superantigen residing in the SARS-nCoV-2 spike protein. Was it put there? Here is a video of an interview about this very subject, Tamara Ugolini interviewed Kevin on this subject matter recently and you can watch that here.
Then there is this paper.
“the superantigenic character of an insert unique to SARS COV 2 spike supported by skewed TCR repertoire in patients with hyperinflammation”.
Remember, Superantigens cause massive T-cell responses, cytokine storm, inflammation, etc. They activate your interleukin systems which lead to the cytokine storm cascade. I watched this horrid process in person while administering Interleukin-2 to patients with metastatic melanoma and renal cell carcinoma. The cytokine storm that treatment induces is painful to watch.
What the above paper showed was that there is a short sequence of amino acids (epitope) in the SARS-nCoV-2 spike protein that potentially mediates high-affinity, non-specific binding to the T Cell Receptor (TCR) to induce massive non-specific activation of the immune system - cytokine storms and such leading to things like death. This short sequence found on the spike protein represents an identical sequence found in Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB)3 and is called a superantigen due to the above-mentioned properties.
WHY is there a Staph superantigen on the spike protein of a covid vaccine? When we examine the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccine, the amino acid coding for the staph infection mentioned above is found IN BOTH VACCINES. Well. Isn’t that just fantastic. This is not a natural occurrence. This was done on purpose.
Remember some of those conditions mentioned above that are due to superantigen activity? Well…….the incidence of those cases has gone up dramatically since the introduction of the covid vaccine into humans. Discusses the role of Superantigens in the development of sepsis. Those same beasts mentioned above like staph, strep, e-coli…..leading to TSS, sepsis, MISC…
Severely sick people are now expected due to the reaction of the superantigen amino acid inserts on the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccine……..leading to massive T-Cell activation and a cascade of immune responses that lead to severe illness.
Jessica provides links to every single study she included at the bottom of her post. Click on her original link above, all references are at the bottom of the page.