This article is worth the read. Link is in the Vigilant fox post below.
Coming up on two years post-vaccine rollout, we’ve seen this phenomenon where healthy, young athletes in peak physical condition are collapsing at unprecedented rates. Dr. McCullough suspects this is due to subclinical myocarditis. Or, myocarditis that has ‘flown under the radar’ that hasn’t been detected by a physical examination, laboratory test, or otherwise. They have been asymptomatic for a long time until during exercise and exertion, they are no longer asymptomatic.
“I can tell you as a cardiologist, heart damage causes scarring, and when there’s a scar, that’s a setup for an abnormal heart rhythm, and that abnormal heart rhythm can lead to a cardiac arrest.
The reason why myocarditis is so important is that when there’s superimposed adrenaline and noradrenaline in exercise, it is the trigger for cardiac arrest.
And it may explain why we’ve seen scores of athletes die on the field or die during training or other events because it’s subclinical myocarditis, and then superimposed adrenaline surge.”
So I can tell you, as a cardiologist, we take this degree of heart damage seriously. There is no heart damage that’s mild or inconsequential. And there are papers now by Jenna Schauer showing it doesn’t go away.
So I can tell you, as a doctor, in children, the COVID-19 vaccines are not medically necessary. They’re not clinically indicated. So I think Denmark’s got it right withdrawing covid vaccines for the under age 18 group. They should withdraw all vaccinations for young people.”
Given these statistics for death due to covid, there is no risk benefit analysis to vaccinate anyone under the age of 50, much less children. It is even questionable if the 0.5% deaths in age 60-60 risk benefit analysis would warrant the potential risks of covid vaccine side effects.
Mild cold - Yes, Mild headache - Yes, Mild myocarditis - No.
These injections are not vaccines. They're gene-based treatments that cause harm to 𝒂𝒍𝒍 who undergo them.
All vaccines are the shite.
Yup. Said it.