I am sharing this story because I believe what we see here is going to have massive implications moving forward thanks to the covid vaccine.
In this particular study, “A new study found that blood transfusions from donors who later developed multiple spontaneous brain bleeds were associated with a slightly higher risk of hemorrhagic stroke in recipients. This suggests a potential link between blood-borne factors and a type of stroke-causing blood vessel damage in the brain. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is the second leading cause of spontaneous hemorrhagic stroke and is associated with deposits of defective beta-amyloid proteins in the walls of blood vessels in the brain, making them fragile and subject to rupture, leading to strokes and cognitive decline.”
Much like “mad cow” disease, which is a prion disease transmitted by meat into the human body, blood, “Scientists theorized that blood transfusions may carry the same risk as exposure to contaminated meat. To test this theory, researchers conducted a cohort study using nationwide blood bank and health data from more than 1 million patients in Sweden and Denmark aged 5 to 80. All had received a red blood cell transfusion between Jan. 1, 1970, (Sweden) or Jan. 1, 1980, (Denmark) and Dec. 31, 2017.
The study found that patients transfused with blood from donors who later developed multiple spontaneous brain bleeds had a significantly higher risk of hemorrhagic stroke than those receiving blood from donors who didn't develop bleeds. However, no increased stroke risk was seen in recipients of blood from donors who had just a single bleed after transfusion. The authors suggest these findings indicate that a “transfusion-transmissible agent” may be associated with certain spontaneous strokes. They described the increased stroke risk of 2.3 percent in recipients of blood from multi-bleed donors as a “novel finding.” “Although not directly analyzed, the study found a similar increased dementia risk in blood recipients from donors who had a single stroke after donation.”
The study also acknowledged that they do not know what the component is in the blood transfusion that is causing this occurrence, so they cannot test for it. I guess it is buyer beware of you get a blood transfusion?
This sets up further concern for transfused blood from covid vaccinated patients. Or what about donated blood from polio vaccine recipients? Both have the SV40 promoter in them. What does the spike protein do in blood transfusions. Or a donated organ. We don’t know. We have no clue. Given it took a 30 year retrospective study to notice that strokes and dementia were on the rise on previous blood transfusion recipients and that “something” in that blood contributed, we can only speculate what the “safe and effective” is doing and will do in the years and decades to come. The blood bank is compromised. And turns out it has been for far longer than we knew.
Geez, the "good" news just keeps comin', doesn't it?
Nothing to see here. Safe and effective. A 3-month clinical trial where they unblinded the Placebo arm the day they got EUA was plenty of research. Let's not forget who got this entire thing going ... Alex Azar, whom Trump appointed over Bobby Kennedy. The person who was supposed to drain the swamp, filled it up instead. I doubt any republican will win another election with all the ballot fraud in the battle ground states, but if he does, I hope he learned from his mistakes.