In a drug once touted as “no more dangerous than a sugar pill”, Singulair now has a FDA black box warning for suicidality and psychiatric illness after taking the medication.
It appears that the risk is greater in younger ages, but newer studies show that the areas responsible for reward feelings, mood, impulsivity, and sleep are “greatly” affected by the drug. New rat studies show that there is way more concentration of this drug in the brain than Merck originally reported when the drug launched in 1998. (Shocker).
The final study results have not been released yet, but it appears that this drug is way more concentrated in the brain than originally thought, and has lead to 30+ suicides since the drug launched. At least that we know of.
Yet another long term on the market drug that we find out 20+ years later was perhaps not a great idea for some patients, yet Merck has made their billions off of it already. It is now generic and no longer the big pharma income generator.
While the profits were high no alarm was raised. Funny how that works. They made their money and killed some of us. Win Win for them!
And the beat goes on...