Reviewed the financial statements of Cochrane Review, they are clearly in bed with Bill Gates.
Happy Independence Day!
We discussed extensively yesterday that Cochrane is a non-profit, funded by places like the WHO and the NIH, and clearly “in bed” with Wiley publishing who disseminates all of their “data”, whether it is true or not. Review of their intervention outcomes were not good, and 9 out of 10 interventions did not high quality intervention support and harms from interventions were underreported (AKA hidden).
A deeper dive of the financial statements for, the financial statements list contributions and “purposes of restricted funds” page.
First at bat is none other than:
The Gates Foundation: grants from Bill and Melinda Gates to guide “evidence based medicine” and “evidence based practice” (OMG I am going to puke up my omelet)
In 2020, The Gates Foundation yearly funding to Cochrane was REPURPOSED to support……wait for it……Cochrane’s COVID WORK, INCLUDING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COVID 19 STUDY REGISTER. Oh, you mean the study register of journal articles to guide us in treating covid?
Ohhhhh so what they are saying here is that good ol BILL GATES had HIS MONEY pay for WHAT COVID STUDIES went into the COCHRANE REGISTER!!!!! Bill Gates used his money and influence to control WHAT studies went into the notoriously highly touted Cochrane Review to guide how HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS TREAT PATIENTS. Think about this on a most basic level. You have 10 studies. 5 say ivermectin was effective when started on day 1-3 of infection and when used at proper doses, and no covid patients died in the study. 5 other studies say that ivermectin was not effective, trial data showed ivermectin was started on day 10 of illness in hospitalized patients and at lower doses than the other 5 studies, and some people still died from covid. These 2 sets of studies are not identical. They had different doses, different deployment of ivermectin time, and different outcomes. But ONE set of 5 studies made ivermectin look great, and the other set of 5 studies made it look not as good. Gates ENSURED that the SUCCESSFUL trials with no deaths never made it to Cochrane, only the studies that showed ivermectin was not as effective and people died. And THAT TRASH DATA is what your local healthcare providers used as the “evidence” for not using ivermectin. Frankly, it is criminal. How can we expect our healthcare providers to think any differently when EVERY SINGLE JOURNAL crams down their throat to do the OPPOSITE of what maybe should have been done??? It is not a coincidence that we do not see the harms of the covid vaccine in these journals. The vaccine makes pharma big money, and by default, pharma controls the CDC, NIH, NIADH, Cochrane, NEJM, university research……..the tentacles run deep.
Now, this is what baffles me. Bill Gates is not a physician. He is not a medical provider or healthcare provider of ANY SORT. WHY would he have any clout or say so in how medical information and studies are disseminated? Perhaps to make sure that healthcare kept covid vaccines going because the narrative by Gates and Fauci et al was “nothing will treat covid and the vaccine is our only hope”. I really need to do a post on all the dirty rotten things Gates has done, including his vaccine study in Africa where he was sued for no informed consent and the deaths/paralysis of hundreds to thousands of kids in that study. If you haven’t formed an opinion on the sociopathic and predatory brain of Bill Gates, I highly recommend you do a deep dive on him. He is a dirty dirty corrupt man.
Other people who contributed funds:
Robert Woods Johnson: supports next generation evidence system
Global evidence synthesis initiative (GESI)
International Initiative for Impact Evolution to support the GESI/Cochrane partnership
When the dust settles in the years to come, Cochrane won’t survive.
I well remember the photograph of Gates sitting alongside his coffee table with a stack of books on it. The one highlighted was "How to lie with statistics." The maker of the meme put a line on it that read "remember this next time cases start rising."
On Gates and Africa, read up on the Remdesivir trial and how within 6 months of the 12 month trial, most were dead from kidney failure, YET, he used that trial as proof that Remdesivir was effective, lying with statistics once more, and then used that to mandate it's use in all US hospitals! There was another similar drug in the same trial that was equally dangerous that also was approved.